PDF Prawn:覆盖文本的图像问题

时间:2011-08-11 08:03:26

标签: ruby-on-rails image pdf background prawn


Prawn::Document.generate("#{Rails.root.to_s}/public/#{filename}.pdf", :page_size => [576,576], :left_margin => 50,:right_margin => 50, :page_layout => :portrait, :skip_page_creation => true, :skip_encoding => true ) do |pdf|

  pdf.repeat :all do
    pdf.image open(APP_CONFIG['site_url']+"/images/pdf/bg_blank_high.jpg"), :at => [-pdf.bounds.absolute_left,  pdf.bounds.absolute_top], :width => 576, :height => 576

  pdf.start_new_page(:margin => [75,50,50,50]) 
  pdf.fill_color "8c8464"
  pdf.text story.contents, :size => 12, :align => :left, :leading => 3 

问题是 - 图像会覆盖所有页面中的文本。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


# images/absolute_position.rb
# One of the options that the image method accepts is :at. If you've read some of the graphics
# examples you are probably already familiar with it. Just provide it the upper-left corner where you
# want the image placed.
# While sometimes useful this option won't be practical. Notice that the cursor won't be moved after the
# image is rendered and there is nothing forbidding the text to overlap with the image.

y_position = cursor
text "The image won't go below this line of text."
image "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/images/fractal.jpg", :at => [200, y_position]
text "And this line of text will go just below the previous one."


答案 1 :(得分:1)

似乎在渲染文本后调用repeat-block中的代码,从而将' 高于文本。 提供的代码段有效,因为它只涉及单个图像。

prawn_document( filename:       "filename.pdf",
                background:     path_background_image) do |pdf|

可能会为你工作。但它只提供low_res(72 dpi)图像。

有一个允许为背景图像设置分辨率的拉取请求: https://github.com/sandal/prawn/pull/292