我想更改我的禁令命令以不禁止任何员工 discord.py

时间:2021-06-22 01:15:56

标签: python discord.py

我希望能够将此代码更改为员工无论职位如何都不能禁止员工,并且不会像管理员不能禁止 mod 那样担任更高的角色。我试图将其与员工角色相关联,但机器人不发送输出。

async def ban(self, ctx, user, *, reason: commands.clean_content = '[No reason given]'):
    """ Ban a user from the current guild. """
    author = ctx.author
    guild = ctx.guild
    user = await self.fetch_user(ctx, user)
    if guild.get_member(user.id) and (guild.get_member(user.id).top_role.position >= guild.me.top_role.position): >This is where heirarchy comes into play
        raise GenericCustomException(
            "Sorry, but I can not ban that user. Maybe try checking my role hierarchy?"
    else:  # this is where I try to pass the mod role to be ignored from banning each other
        if discord.utils.get(user.roles, id=<insert mod role id here>):
            return await ctx.send("you cannot ban a staff member") 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我会尝试搜索用户是否拥有您的某个角色拥有的特定权限,如果为真,则发送消息。例如,如果我想查看用户是否拥有 ban_members 权限:

if user.guild_permissions.ban_members:
    return await ctx.send("you cannot ban a staff member")

确保将 ban_members 替换为适合您需要的任何其他权限。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以遍历用户的角色并检查他是否在 mod 角色列表中拥有角色。我更喜欢使用角色 ID,因为它无法更改。

async def ban(self, ctx, user, *, reason: commands.clean_content = '[No reason given]'):
    """ Ban a user from the current guild. """
    author = ctx.author
    guild = ctx.guild
    user = await self.fetch_user(ctx, user)
    if guild.get_member(user.id) and (guild.get_member(user.id).top_role.position >= guild.me.top_role.position): >This is where heirarchy comes into play
        raise GenericCustomException(
            "Sorry, but I can not ban that user. Maybe try checking my role hierarchy?"
        whitelisted_roles = [123456, 456789, 789012] # List of Mod roles 
        for role in user.roles:
            if role.id in whitelisted_roles:
                return await ctx.send("You can't ban this user! He is a moderator!")
            # ban the user