
时间:2021-06-02 18:22:35

标签: node.js async-await

我最近开始使用 node,尽管阅读了很多关于它的内容,但我仍然难以处理异步概念。我有以下场景:

const mysql = require("mysql");

exports.mainFunction = () => { 
    productsArray = ['product 1', 'product 2', 'n...']; // A simple product array
    /* HERE I NEED TO RETURN "OK" WHEN BOTH FUNCTIONS (createLogFile and proccessProducts) ARE FINISHED 

const createLogFile = (logFileName) => {
    fs.writeFileSync("mylog.json", "") // Here I create a simple log file for future use.

const proccessProducts(productsArray) = {
    for (let p = 0; p < productsArray.length; p++) { // Here I iterate over the products array
      const newProduct = formatProduct(productsArray[p]); // Here I make some formatting in the product title
      saveProductInDatabase(newProduct); // And lastly I save the product in the database

const saveProductToDataBase = (product) => {
    var connection = mysql.createPool({
        host: config.MYSQL_HOST,
        user: config.MYSQL_USER,
        password: config.MYSQL_PASSWORD,
        database: config.MYSQL_DB,
    const query = "INSERT INTO products(Title) VALUES (?)"
    connection.query(query, product, (err) => {
       if (err) console.log(err)

const formatProduct = (product) => {
   var productTitleList = product.split(" ")
   return productTitleList[1]

我在这里的困难是知道什么时候一切都已经被执行,以便在主函数中返回“ok”状态......我不完全知道如何在这种环境中使用 promises 和 async/await。有人能给我一盏灯吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var connection = mysql.createPool({
    host: config.MYSQL_HOST,
    user: config.MYSQL_USER,
    password: config.MYSQL_PASSWORD,
    database: config.MYSQL_DB,

// There is nothing to do asynchronous, becouse `writeFileSync` blocking operation.
function createLogFile(_logFileName) {
    fs.writeFileSync("mylog.json", "");

// In this example we used `callback`,
// You can think this is main function, 
exports.mainFunction = async () => {
    try {
        let productsArray = ['product 1', 'product 2', 'n...']; // A simple product array
        // async function always return `promise` 
        await proccessProducts(productsArray);
        // include your logic here, when every Products had proccessed.
    } catch (error) {
        // handle error.

// In order to use await keyword, you need async function...
async function proccessProducts(productsArray) {
    //  Here I iterate over the products array
    for (const product of productsArray) {
        const newProduct = formatProduct(product); // Here I make some formatting in the product title
        // You need to use 
        await saveProductInDatabase(newProduct); // And lastly I save the product in the database   
    // in this example, results is executed in parallel, 
    // its OK to use string, bsc javascript ignore string, as like comments
    `await Promise.all(
        productsArray.map(product => saveProductInDatabase(formatProduct(product)))

// return Promise object,
function saveProductInDatabase(product) {
    const query = "INSERT INTO products(Title) VALUES (?)";
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        connection.query(query, product, (err, data) => err ? rej(err) : res(data));

您可以从以下方面获得一些关于 async/await 、回调、承诺的想法:

How to yield value multiple times from function?

learn more about async/await

learn more about calback