C++ 获取圆形区域中的UV坐标

时间:2021-02-28 22:54:04

标签: c++ math geometry unreal-engine4 area

我正在尝试为我的 Unreal Engine 项目创建一个函数,它将接受一个 UV 坐标作为圆的中心点、像素空间中圆的半径和纹理的分辨率,并使用这个信息在圆圈中生成一组 UV 坐标。在我尝试针对 VR 进行优化时,是否有比我当前的代码更好的方法?我需要执行这个操作几十次,但目前单次迭代仍然需要一段时间。

TArray<FVector2D> Uread_write_text::CircularUV(FVector2D centre, int radius, FVector2D resolution) {
    TArray<FVector2D> uvs;

    // Iterate through pixel space, by getting the centre in UV space and finding it's
    // equilavent in pixel space and then find the extents.
    for (int i = FGenericPlatformMath::TruncToInt((centre.X * resolution.X) - radius);
        i < FGenericPlatformMath::TruncToInt((centre.X * resolution.X) + radius);
        i++) {

        for (int j = FGenericPlatformMath::TruncToInt((centre.Y * resolution.Y) - radius);
            j < FGenericPlatformMath::TruncToInt((centre.Y * resolution.Y) + radius);
            j++) {

            // Checks if i and j is within the circle radius, therefore the coordinates are within the circle
            if ((i <= (centre.X * resolution.X) + radius) & (i >= (centre.X * resolution.X) - radius)) {
                if ((j <= (centre.Y * resolution.Y) + radius) & (j >= (centre.Y * resolution.Y) - radius)) {

                    // Does the final conversion back to UV space once it has been confirmed that it is
                    // a correct coordinate
                    float x = i / resolution.X;
                    float y = j / resolution.Y;

                    // Adds it to the return value
                    uvs.Add(FVector2D(x, y));



    return uvs;

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