编译基于 libprotobuf-mutator 的示例模糊测试应用程序时编译失败

时间:2021-02-19 07:58:57

标签: c++ clang clang++ libfuzzer

我正在尝试编译一个基于 LPM(libprotobuf-mutator) 的示例模糊测试应用程序。但是遇到了以下编译问题。看起来有一些我没有包含的库。有人可以看看,让我知道正确的编译指令。


# clang++ -fsanitize=fuzzer -g sample.cpp input.pb.cc -I <path>/libprotobuf-mutator/ -L <path>/libprotobuf-mutator/build/src/libprotobuf-mutator.a -lprotobuf clang++: /lib64/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by clang++) /usr/local/bin/clang-9: /lib64/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by /usr/local/bin/clang-9) /usr/local/bin/clang-9: /lib64/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by /usr/local/bin/clang-9) /tmp/sample-a6cb0e.o: In function `LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator': <path>/lpm_example/sample.cpp:39: undefined reference to `protobuf_mutator::libfuzzer::CustomProtoMutator(bool, unsigned char*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int, google::protobuf::Message*)' /tmp/sample-a6cb0e.o: In function `LLVMFuzzerCustomCrossOver': <path>/lpm_example/sample.cpp:39: undefined reference to `protobuf_mutator::libfuzzer::CustomProtoCrossOver(bool, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned char*, unsigned long, unsigned int, google::protobuf::Message*, google::protobuf::Message*)' /tmp/sample-a6cb0e.o: In function `LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput': <path>/lpm_example/sample.cpp:39: undefined reference to `protobuf_mutator::libfuzzer::LoadProtoInput(bool, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, google::protobuf::Message*)' clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 的内容



#include <stdio.h>
#include "input.pb.h"

#include "src/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_macro.h"

using namespace std;

char get_first_cap(const char *in, int size) {
  const char *first_cap = NULL;
  int i = 0;
  char array[10];

  if (size == 0)
    return ' ';
  printf ( "size if %d\n", size );
  printf ( "Array is %s\n", in );
  for ( ; i < size; in++, i++) {
    if (*in >= 'A' && *in <= 'Z') {
      first_cap = in;
      array[i] = *in;
  if ( first_cap )
      return *first_cap;
      return ' ';

#if 0
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const char *Data, long long Size) {
  get_first_cap(Data, Size);
  return 0;

DEFINE_PROTO_FUZZER ( Input& input )  {
    char *data = NULL;
    string name = input.name ( );
    int length = input.length ( );

    data = (char*)&name[0];

    get_first_cap ( data, length );

通过以下命令生成相应的syntax = "proto2"; message Input { optional string name = 1; optional int64 length = 2; } message InputRecord { repeated Input record = 1; } -

input.ph.h input.pb.c

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