如何从 GitHub REST API 获取 nuget 包的最新版本号?

时间:2021-02-18 16:47:20

标签: github nuget nuget-package

如何从 GitHub REST API 获取 nuget 包的最新版本号?

我需要将其作为构建脚本的一部分,因此我不需要在构建文件 (PowerShell) 中手动增加版本。

curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -u myusername:<mykey> https://api.github.com/orgs/<mycompany>/packages/nuget/<mypackagename>

我在响应中看不到包的实际最新版本号。我期待看到类似 latest_version: 1.0.24

的 JSON 属性

我可以看到有 version_count: 24 但这并不能帮助我构建 1.2.28 等的完整 SEMVER 版本。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我为此创建了一个 Powershell 辅助函数。

您将需要编辑您的 Powershell 配置文件以使用您自己的 GitHub 个人访问令牌填充 $env:GitHubAPIKey(或者如果您已经拥有该令牌,则只需更改脚本中的变量名称)。

# Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66264349
write-output "Build helpers included"

  This is a helper function that gets the next available NuGet package version from our NuGet package repository on GitHub
  GetPackageVersion PackageName
function GetNewPackageVersion
    if (!$env:GitHubAPIKey) { 
        Write-Host "The environment variable `$env:GitHubAPIKey` is empty. Please ensure this is populated in your Powershell profile file at $home\Powershell\profile.ps1"  -BackgroundColor red -ForegroundColor Black
        exit -1
    # TODO: If using PowerShell 7 rather than Windows Powershell 5.1, the next couple of lines can be improved by using the built in -authorization command
    $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f "token",$env:GitHubAPIKey )))
    $results = Invoke-RestMethod  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Uri   https://api.github.com/orgs/<your-organisation>/packages/nuget/$packageName/versions
    $v = [version]($results | Select-Object -first 1).name
    $newVersion = "$($v.Major).$($v.Minor).$($v.Build+1)"
    write-host ("New package version: " + $newVersion)  -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor Black
    return $newVersion

用法: ."./BuildHelpers.ps1" # 包含辅助函数

$version = GetNewPackageVersion MyCompany.MyPackageName
echo $version


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