
时间:2020-09-18 05:06:18

标签: java calculator

我正在尝试创建一个计算年度复利加上额外年度供款的程序。当我的供款= 0时,我的输出正确地计算了新的余额,但是当我改变供款时,输出错误了。

    Scanner input1 = new Scanner(System.in);

    double amount;
    System.out.print("Enter starting year: ");
    Scanner input2 = new Scanner (System.in);
    System.out.print("Enter starting balance: ");
    Double principal = input1.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter additional annual contribution: ");
    Double contribution = input1.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter annual growth rate: ");
    Double rate = input1.nextDouble();
    Double rateDec = rate / 100

    for(int year = 1; year <= 21; year++){
        amount = (principal * Math.pow(1 + rateDec, year)) ;
        Double addedamount = amount + contribution;
        System.out.println(year + "  " + addedamount);



Principle = 10000
rate = 9.69

贡献= 600

1  11569.0
2  12631.8961
3  13797.78683209
4  15076.65237611952
5  16479.439991365503
6  18018.157726528818
7  19705.977210229463
8  21557.346401900697
9  23588.113268244873
10  25815.6614439378
11  28259.05903785537
12  30939.221858623558
13  33879.09245672418
14  37103.83651578075
15  40641.05827415991
16  44521.036820926
17  48776.98528887373
18  53445.3351633656
19  58566.04814069572
20  64182.95820552914
21  70344.14685564491


1  11,569.00 
2  13,290.04 
3  15,177.84 
4  17,248.57 
5  19,519.96 
6  22,011.44 
7  24,744.35 
8  27,742.08 
9  31,030.29 
10 34,637.12 
11 38,593.46 
12 42,933.17 
13 47,693.39 
14 52,914.88 
15 58,642.33 
16 64,924.77 
17 71,815.99 
18 79,374.95 
19 87,666.39 
20 96,761.26

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


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public static void main(String[] args) {
    double contribution = 600; //Yearly contribution
    double initialAmount = 10000; 
    double rateOfInterest = 9.69; //9.96% per anum
    double years = 10;

    double rateFactor = 1 + rateOfInterest/100; //Rate factor = 1.969 if rate is 10%

    //Final calculation Assuming contribution is made on first day of year including first year also
    double finalAmount = initialAmount;
    for(int year=0; year<years; year++){
        System.out.println(year+" "+finalAmount+" "+contribution);
        finalAmount = finalAmount*rateFactor;
        finalAmount += contribution;
    System.out.println("Final Amount: "+finalAmount);


0 10000.0 600.0
1 11569.0 600.0
2 13290.0361 600.0
3 15177.840598089999 600.0
4 17248.57335204492 600.0
5 19519.960109858075 600.0
6 22011.444244503324 600.0
7 24744.353191795697 600.0
8 27742.0810160807 600.0
9 31030.28866653892 600.0
10 34637.12363832654 600.0
11 38593.46091888038 600.0
12 42933.16728191989 600.0
13 47693.39119153792 600.0
14 52914.88079799795 600.0
15 58642.33274732395 600.0
16 64924.77479053964 600.0
17 71815.98546774292 600.0
18 79374.95445956722 600.0
19 87666.38754669928 600.0
Final Amount: 96761.26049997444
