异常错误HRESULT E_FAIL已从对COM组件的调用返回。 WIA扫描仪C#

时间:2020-09-06 03:47:04

标签: c# wia

我希望有人遇到过这种情况-我正在尝试使用WIA从文档扫描仪捕获图像,我想使用FEEDER进行多篇论文,并且我正在使用发生错误的代码和以下代码: 我能够成功连接到扫描仪,查询名称,制造商等。

            int pages = 0;
            bool hasMorePages = false;
            string[] sourceFiles = new string[100];

            WIA.CommonDialog WiaCommonDialog = new WIA.CommonDialog();

                    //Connect to Device
                    Device wia = Connect();
                    WIA.Item item = wia.Items[1] as WIA.Item;

                    //Setup ADF
                    if ((useAdf) || (duplex))
                        SetupADF(wia, duplex);

                    //Setup Page Size
                    //  SetupPageSize(wia, rotatePage, A4, DPI, item);

                    WIA.ImageFile imgFile = null;
                    WIA.ImageFile imgFile_duplex = null; //if duplex is setup, this will be back page

                    //imgFile = (WIA.ImageFile)item.Transfer(WIA.FormatID.wiaFormatJPEG);

                    imgFile = (ImageFile)WiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, wiaFormatJPEG, false);

                    //If duplex page, get back page now.
                    if (duplex)
                        imgFile_duplex = (ImageFile)WiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, wiaFormatJPEG, false);

                    string varImageFileName = filepath + "\\Scanned" + ".jpeg";

                    Delete_File(varImageFileName); //if file already exists. delete it.

                    using (var src = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(varImageFileName))
                    using (var bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1000, 1000, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))
                    using (var gr = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                        gr.DrawImage(src, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
                        gr.DrawString("This is vivek", new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 15, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular), System.Drawing.SystemBrushes.WindowText, new System.Drawing.Point(550, 20));
                        bmp.Save(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Path"] + "test" + pages + ".jpeg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                        ////string imgPath = "test" + pages + ".tiff";
                        ////sourceFiles[pages] = imgPath;
                        //mergeTiffPages(string str_DestinationPath, string[] sourceFiles)
                    mergeTiffPages(@"D:\Test\", sourceFiles);

                    string varImageFileName_duplex;

                    if (duplex)
                        varImageFileName_duplex = filepath + "\\Scanned-" + pages.ToString() + ".tiff";
                        Delete_File(varImageFileName_duplex); //if file already exists. delete it.

                    //Check with scanner to see if there are more pages.
                    if (useAdf || duplex)
                        hasMorePages = HasMorePages(wia);

                while (hasMorePages);
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                //throw new System.Exception(CheckError((uint)ex.ErrorCode));


                    imgFile = (ImageFile)WiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, wiaFormatJPEG, false);

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