
时间:2020-08-25 17:39:29

标签: ubuntu fortran do-while


错误:(1)的语句标签中的非数字字符 hello.f:3:5:

3 |     real :: Pounds, Kilograms, Feet, Meters, Fahrenheit, Celcius
  |     1

错误:语句标签处(1)的非数字字符 hello.f:4:5:

4 |     integer :: input, shouldEnd
  |     1

错误:语句标签处(1)的非数字字符 hello.f:5:5:

5 |     shouldEnd = 1
  |     1

错误:语句标签处(1)的非数字字符 hello.f:7:5:

7 |     do while ( shouldEnd .ne. 0)
  |     1

错误:语句标签处(1)的非数字字符 你好:f:8:5: `


program hello
    real :: Pounds, Kilograms
    integer :: input, shouldEnd
    shouldEnd = 1
    do while ( shouldEnd .ne. 0)
    print *, "Enter a conversion option (1-2 or 0 to exit):"
    print *,"--------------------------"
    print *,"(1) Pounds to Kilograms"
    print *,"(2) Kilograms to Pounds"
    print *,"(0) Exit this program"
    print *,"--------------------------"

    Read *, input
    if(input == 1) then
        print * , "Enter the number in pounds to convert to Kilograms"
        read *, Pounds
        Kilograms = (Pounds / 2.205)
        print *, Pounds, 'Pounds in Kilogram is', Kilograms
    end if
 if (input == 2) then
        print * , "Enter the number in kilograms to convert to Pounds"
        read *, Kilograms
        Pounds = Kilograms * 2.205
        print *, Kilograms, 'Kilogram to Pounds is', Pounds
   end if
    if (input == 0) then
        print * , 'Thank you !'
        shouldEnd = 0
    end if
    end do
    end program hello


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