Revit API。如何获得几个元素的边界框?

时间:2020-07-25 03:14:24

标签: geometry revit-api revit

我需要找到许多元素的轮廓(> 100'000个项目)。目标元素来自FilteredElementCollector。和往常一样,我正在寻找最快的方式。

现在,我尝试遍历所有元素以获取其BoudingBox.MinBoudingBox.Max并找出minXminYminZ,{{1 }},maxXmaxY。它的工作原理非常准确,但是需要太多时间。

上面描述的问题是一个更大的问题的一部分。 我需要从通用模型中具有墙壁,天花板,圆柱等的链接模型中找到风管,管道和其他基于曲线的元素的所有交点,然后在交点中放置开口。


首先使用一个 IntersectSolidAndCurve,我尝试减少一个集合,以进一步使用ElementIntersectElementIntersectSolidAndCurve接受两个参数:实体和曲线,并且必须在两个嵌套的另一个中工作循环。因此,在我的案例972'000'000操作中,需要54000壁(过滤后)和18000管道。

操作数为10 ^ 5时,算法显示可接受的时间。 我决定通过按级别划分搜索区域来减少元素数量。这对于高层建筑效果很好,但对于扩展的低层结构仍然不利。我决定按建筑物的长度进行划分,但是我没有找到一种方法来确定多个元素(整个建筑物)的边界。

我似乎走错了路。是否有正确的方法使用Revit API工具

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

原则上,您所描述的是正确的方法和唯一的方法。但是,可能存在许多优化代码的可能性。建筑编码器提供了可能有用的各种实用程序功能。例如,到determine the bounding box of an entire familyThe Building Coder samples Util module中还有更多内容。在此处搜索“边界框”。我相信它们也可以针对您的情况进行进一步优化。例如,您也许可以从所有单个元素的边界框X值中提取所有Max坐标,并使用通用的Max函数来在一次调用中确定其最大值一一比较它们。 Benchmark your code来发现优化可能性并分析其对性能的影响。请分享您的最终结果,供其他人学习。谢谢!

答案 1 :(得分:1)




Revit api提供了出色的Quick FilterBoundingBoxIntersectsFilter,它使用Outline的实例


    double b = 500000 / 304.8;
    XYZ min = new XYZ(-b, -b, -b);
    XYZ max = new XYZ(b, b, b);


     double precision = 10e-6 / 304.8;
     var bb = new BinaryUpperLowerBoundsSearch(doc, precision);

     XYZ[] rx = bb.GetBoundaries(min, max, elems, BinaryUpperLowerBoundsSearch.Direction.X);
     rx = bb.GetBoundaries(rx[0], rx[1], elems, BinaryUpperLowerBoundsSearch.Direction.Y);
     rx = bb.GetBoundaries(rx[0], rx[1], elems, BinaryUpperLowerBoundsSearch.Direction.Z);


    public class BinaryUpperLowerBoundsSearch
        private Document doc;

        private double tolerance;
        private XYZ min;
        private XYZ max;
        private XYZ direction;

        public BinaryUpperLowerBoundsSearch(Document document, double precision)
            doc = document;
            this.tolerance = precision;

        public enum Direction

        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for an area that completely includes all elements within a given precision.
        /// The minimum and maximum points are used for the initial assessment. 
        /// The outline must contain all elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minPoint">The minimum point of the BoundBox used for the first approximation.</param>
        /// <param name="maxPoint">The maximum point of the BoundBox used for the first approximation.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">Set of elements</param>
        /// <param name="axe">The direction along which the boundaries will be searched</param>
        /// <returns>Returns two points: first is the lower bound, second is the upper bound</returns>
        public XYZ[] GetBoundaries(XYZ minPoint, XYZ maxPoint, ICollection<ElementId> elements, Direction axe)
            // Since Outline is not derived from an Element class there 
            // is no possibility to apply transformation, so
            // we have use as a possible directions only three vectors of basis 
            switch (axe)
                case Direction.X:
                    direction = XYZ.BasisX;
                case Direction.Y:
                    direction = XYZ.BasisY;
                case Direction.Z:
                    direction = XYZ.BasisZ;

            // Get the lower and upper bounds as a projection on a direction vector
            // Projection is an extention method
            double lowerBound = minPoint.Projection(direction);
            double upperBound = maxPoint.Projection(direction);

            // Set the boundary points in the plane perpendicular to the direction vector. 
            // These points are needed to create BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter when IsContainsElements calls.
            min = minPoint - lowerBound * direction;
            max = maxPoint - upperBound * direction;

            double[] res = UpperLower(lowerBound, upperBound, elements);
            return new XYZ[2]
                res[0] * direction + min,
                res[1] * direction + max,

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if there are any elements contains in the segment [lower, upper]
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if any elements are in the segment</returns>
        private ICollection<ElementId> IsContainsElements(double lower, double upper, ICollection<ElementId> ids)
            var outline = new Outline(min + direction * lower, max + direction * upper);
            return new FilteredElementCollector(doc, ids)
                .WherePasses(new BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter(outline))

        private double[] UpperLower(double lower, double upper, ICollection<ElementId> ids)
            // Get the Midpoint for segment mid = lower + 0.5 * (upper - lower)
            var mid = Midpoint(lower, upper);

            // Сheck if the first segment contains elements 
            ICollection<ElementId> idsFirst = IsContainsElements(lower, mid, ids);
            bool first = idsFirst.Any();

            // Сheck if the second segment contains elements 
            ICollection<ElementId> idsSecond = IsContainsElements(mid, upper, ids);
            bool second = idsSecond.Any();

            // If elements are in both segments 
            // then the first segment contains the lower border 
            // and the second contains the upper
            // ---------**|***--------
            if (first && second)
                return new double[2]
                    Lower(lower, mid, idsFirst),
                    Upper(mid, upper, idsSecond),

            // If elements are only in the first segment it contains both borders. 
            // We recursively call the method UpperLower until 
            // the lower border turn out in the first segment and 
            // the upper border is in the second
            // ---*****---|-----------
            else if (first && !second)
                return UpperLower(lower, mid, idsFirst);

            // Do the same with the second segment
            // -----------|---*****---
            else if (!first && second)
                return UpperLower(mid, upper, idsSecond);

            // Elements are out of the segment
            // ** -----------|----------- **
                throw new ArgumentException("Segment is not contains elements. Try to make initial boundaries wider", "lower, upper");

        /// <summary>
        /// Search the lower boundary of a segment containing elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Lower boundary</returns>
        private double Lower(double lower, double upper, ICollection<ElementId> ids)
            // If the boundaries are within tolerance return lower bound
            if (IsInTolerance(lower, upper))
                return lower;

            // Get the Midpoint for segment mid = lower + 0.5 * (upper - lower)
            var mid = Midpoint(lower, upper);

            // Сheck if the segment contains elements 
            ICollection<ElementId> idsFirst = IsContainsElements(lower, mid, ids);
            bool first = idsFirst.Any();

            // ---*****---|-----------
            if (first)
                return Lower(lower, mid, idsFirst);
            // -----------|-----***---
                return Lower(mid, upper, ids);


        /// <summary>
        /// Search the upper boundary of a segment containing elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Upper boundary</returns>
        private double Upper(double lower, double upper, ICollection<ElementId> ids)
            // If the boundaries are within tolerance return upper bound
            if (IsInTolerance(lower, upper))
                return upper;

            // Get the Midpoint for segment mid = lower + 0.5 * (upper - lower)
            var mid = Midpoint(lower, upper);

            // Сheck if the segment contains elements 
            ICollection<ElementId> idsSecond = IsContainsElements(mid, upper, ids);
            bool second = idsSecond.Any();

            // -----------|----*****--
            if (second)
                return Upper(mid, upper, idsSecond);
            // ---*****---|-----------
                return Upper(lower, mid, ids);

        private double Midpoint(double lower, double upper) => lower + 0.5 * (upper - lower);
        private bool IsInTolerance(double lower, double upper) => upper - lower <= tolerance;



    public static class PointExt
        public static double Projection(this XYZ vector, XYZ other) =>
            vector.DotProduct(other) / other.GetLength();