
时间:2020-05-26 19:11:42

标签: scala parsing parser-combinators


import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers

class RequestMappingParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
  def requestMapping: Parser[Any] = "@RequestMapping(" ~ commaDelimitedSeq ~ ")"
  def commaDelimitedSeq: Parser[Any] = repsep(keyValue, ",")
  def keyValue: Parser[Any] = key ~ "=" ~ value
  def key: Parser[Any] = "value" | "method"
  def value: Parser[Any] = """[^)]*""".r


class MethodRequestMapping(val value: String, val method: String)


"@RequestMapping(value = \"/ex/foos\", method = RequestMethod.GET)"



def requestMapping: Parser[MethodRequestMapping] = "@RequestMapping(" ~ commaDelimitedSeq ~ ")" ^^ {
  // Some sort of pattern matching and creation of MethodRequestMapping
  // ???


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

首先,将您使用的组合词的一半创建为Parser[String],并且是类型注释将它们组合成Parser[Any](由于协方差而被允许,但在这种情况下完全没有用) )。


class RequestMappingParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
  def requestMapping: Parser[String ~ List[String ~ String ~ String] ~ String] = "@RequestMapping(" ~ commaDelimitedSeq ~ ")"
  def commaDelimitedSeq: Parser[List[String ~ String ~ String]] = repsep(keyValue, ",")
  def keyValue: Parser[String ~ String ~ String] = key ~ "=" ~ value
  def key: Parser[String] = "value" | "method"
  def value: Parser[String] = """[^)]*""".r


class RequestMappingParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
  // result of this parser will be ethier "value" or "method"
  def key: Parser[String] = "value" | "method"
  def value: Parser[String] = """[^),]*""".r // you had an error here, you were missing "," to separate items
  // here we'll map String ~ String ~ String to tuple - we'll drop unused "=" in the process
  def keyValue: Parser[(String, String)] = (key ~ "=" ~ value).map {
    case k ~ _ ~ v => k -> v
  // repsep wil return List[(String, String)], which we'll map to Map
  def commaDelimitedSeq: Parser[Map[String, String]] = repsep(keyValue, ",").map(_.toMap)
  // this would give us String ~ Map[String, String] ~ String, but we don't need
  // these String constants. Also we can map things into out final result
  def requestMapping: Parser[MethodRequestMapping] = ("@RequestMapping(" ~ commaDelimitedSeq ~ ")").map {
    case _ ~ map ~ _ =>
      new MethodRequestMapping(value = map("value"), method = map("method"))
val parser = new RequestMappingParser()
val parsed = "@RequestMapping(value = \"/ex/foos\", method = RequestMethod.GET)"
val result = parser.parse(parser.requestMapping, parsed).get
// result.value == "\"/ex/foos\""
// result.method == "RequestMethod.GET"
