
时间:2020-04-28 17:37:26

标签: python

import random

print("Welcome to the Slot Machine Simulator. You'll start with $100 and each spin costs $2. You'll be asked if you want to play. Answer with yes/no. To win you must get one of the following combinations: 3 Cherries: $20, 3 Oranges: $15, 3 Apples: $10, 3 Bananas: $5, 3 Grapes: $4, 3 Bars: $2.50")

Balance = 100
Items = ["Cherries","Oranges", "Apples", "Bananas", "Grapes", "Bars"]

while Balance >= 2:
    firstslot = (random.choice(Items))
    secondslot = (random.choice(Items))
    thirdslot = (random.choice(Items))
    Question = input(f"You have {Balance}. Would you like to spin?:")
    if Question.casefold() == "yes" or "y":
        Balance -= 2
        print(firstslot, secondslot, thirdslot)
        if (firstslot == "Cherries") and (secondslot == "Cherries") and (thirdslot == "Cherries"):
            print("You won $20!")
            Balance += 20
        elif (firstslot == "Oranges") and (secondslot == "Oranges") and (thirdslot == "Oranges"):
            print("You won $15!")
            Balance += 15
        elif (firstslot == "Apples") and (secondslot == "Apples") and (thirdslot == "Apples"):
            print("You won $10!")
            Balance += 10
        elif (firstslot == "Bananas") and (secondslot == "Bananas") and (thirdslot == "Bananas"):
            print("You won $5!")
            Balance += 5
        elif (firstslot == "Grapes") and (secondslot == "Grapes") and (thirdslot == "Grapes"):
            print("You won $4!")
            Balance += 4
        elif (firstslot == "Bars") and (secondslot == "Bars") and (thirdslot == "Bars"):
            print("You won $2.50!")
            balance += 2.50
        elif Balance < 1.99:
            print("Sorry you do not have enough funds to proceed.")
            print("You lost.")
    elif Questions.casefold() == "no" or "n":
        print("You have ended the game with", Balance, "in your hand.")
        print("You have entered an invalid input.")


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