
时间:2020-02-21 09:29:38

标签: batch-file


echo Please select what you would like to do!
echo =========================================
echo 1)Example 1 
echo 2)Example 2
echo 3)Example 3
echo 4)Example 4
echo 5)Example 5
echo 6)Example 6
echo =========================================
set /p ans="Please enter your selection:"

if %ans%==1 (
goto a
if %ans%==2 (
goto b
if %ans%==3 (
goto c
if %ans%==4 (
goto f
if %ans%==5 (
goto g
if %ans%==6 (
goto h

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


@echo off
Choice /c 123456 /m "select choice"
If not %errorlevel% equ 0 Echo you chose %errorlevel%


@echo off
Choice /c 123 /m "select choice"
Goto opt%errorlevel%
Echo do something here for option 3
Goto :eof
Echo do something here for option 2
Goto :eof
Echo do something for oprion 1
Exho You pressed ctrl+c and selected N

You get the idea..