graph = sns.countplot(data=enrich, x="Username")
graph.set_title("Q3 Enrichment", fontsize=30, pad=40)
graph.set_xlabel("CEE", fontsize=10)
graph.set_xticklabels(graph.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45)```
So I am wanting to the count 'Username' and using the 'Date Completed' as either the bar label or as the slider.
Stock Number PSF_ID Project Hero / Non-Hero Date completed Username Team
694009 PSF_438980 SSE - RS PRO 2 Hero 01/10/2019 Name 1 RS PRO
1368299 PSF_438933 SSE - RS PRO 2 Hero 01/10/2019 Name 2 II&T
1774499 PSF_421233 RS PRO NPI Hero 01/10/2019 Name 3 RS PRO
This is the code I've used so far to no avail:
enrich = px.data.gapminder()
fig = px.bar(enrich, x="Username", color="royal_blue",
animation_frame="Date completed", range_y=[0,500])