
时间:2019-12-16 01:47:22

标签: python python-3.x simulation turtle-graphics


我正在尝试使用this code作为模型在python中构建太阳系/轨道仿真。


# Import math and turtle
import math
from turtle import *
import turtle
# Gravitational Constant
G = 6.67428e-11
# Scale: 1 pixel = 1 astronomical unit
# 1 astronomical unit = 1 AU = 149597900 km
AU = (149.6e6 * 1000)  # 149.6 million km in meters
Scale = 250 / AU
wn = turtle.Screen()
wn = turtle.bgcolor('black')

class body(Turtle):

    # Subclass of turtle representing a body
    # Additional attributes:
    # mass in kg
    # vx, vy: x, y velocities in m/sc
    # px, py: x, y positions in m
    # Set background to black
    # Turtle.bgcolor('black')
    name = 'body'
    mass = None
    vx = vy = 0.0
    px = py = 0.0

    def attraction(self, other):

        # (body): (fx, fy)
        # returns the force exerted on this body by the other body.
        # Report and error if the other object is the same as this one.

        if self is other:
            raise ValueError("Attraction of object %r to itself requested" % self.name)

        # Compute the distance of the other body:

        sx, sy = self.px, self.py
        ox, oy = other.px, other.py
        dx = (ox - sx)
        dy = (oy - sy)
        d = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

        # Report an Error if the distance is 0
        # ZeroDivisionError would happen later otherwise
        if d == 0:
            raise ValueError("Collision between objects %r and %r" % (self.name, other.name))

        # Compute the force of attraction

        f = G * self.mass * other.mass / (d**2)

        # Compute the direction of the force
        theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        fx = math.cos(theta) * f
        fy = math.sin(theta) * f
        return fx, fy

def updateInfo(step, bodies):

    # (int, [body])
    # Displays infomation about status of simulation.

    print('Step #{}'.format(step))
    for body in bodies:
        s = '{:<8} Pos.={:>6.2f} Vel.={:>10.3f}'.format(body.name, body.px/AU, body.py/AU, body.vy)

def loop(bodies):
    # (body)
    # Never returns; loop through the simulation and updates the positions of given bodies

    timestep = 24*3600  # One Day

    for body in bodies:

    step = 1
    while True:
        updateInfo(step, bodies)
        step += 1

        force = {}
        for body in bodies:

            # Adds all the forces exerted on a body
            totalFx = totalFy = 0.0
            for other in bodies:
                # Don't calculate attraction to itself
                if body is other:
                fx, fy = body.attraction(other)
                totalFx += fx
                totalFy += fy

            # Record the total force exerted
            force[body] = (totalFx, totalFy)

        # Update velocities based on the force.
        for body in bodies:
            fx, fy = force[body]
            body.vx += fx / body.mass * timestep
            body.vy += fy / body.mass * timestep

            # Update positions
            body.px += body.vx * timestep
            body.py += body.vy * timestep
            body.goto(body.px*Scale, body.py*Scale)

def main():
    sun = body()
    sun.name = 'Sun'
    sun.mass = 1.98892 * 10**30

    earth = body()
    earth.name = 'Earth'
    earth.mass = 5.9742 * 10**24
    earth.px = -1*AU
    earth.vy = 29.783 * 1000

    venus = body()
    venus.name = 'Venus'
    venus.mass = 4.8685 * 10**24
    venus.px = 0.723 * AU
    venus.vy = -35.02 * 1000

    loop([sun, earth, venus])

if __name__ == '__main__':

我为窗口添加了import turtle行,因为我想将窗口颜色更改为黑色。我知道这两种导入样式之间的主要区别,以及为什么有些人喜欢另一种(或者为什么一种不好)。我想更改类的结构,以便可以对模拟的图形进行更多控制,也可以脱离from x import *方法。任何建议都将受到欢迎!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


from turtle import Screen, Turtle


    fx, fy = force[body]
    body.vx += fx / body.mass * timestep
    body.vy += fy / body.mass * timestep

    # Update positions
    body.px += body.vx * timestep
    body.py += body.vy * timestep


for body in bodies:


body.goto(body.px*Scale, body.py*Scale)


while True:


# Import math and turtle
import math
from turtle import Screen, Turtle, Vec2D

# Gravitational Constant
G = 6.67428e-11
# Scale: 1 pixel = 1 astronomical unit
# 1 astronomical unit = 1 AU = 149597900 km
AU = 149.6e6 * 1000  # 149.6 million km in meters
TIME_STEP = 24 * 3600  # One day
FORMAT = "{:<8} Pos.={:>6.2f} Vel.={:>10.3f}"


class Body(Turtle):
    ''' Subclass of turtle representing a body. '''

    # Additional attributes:
    # mass in kg
    # velocity in m/sc
    # position in m

    name = 'body'
    mass = None
    velocity = Vec2D(0.0, 0.0)
    Position = Vec2D(0.0, 0.0)  # Position to avoid conflict with turtle's position() method

    def __init__(self, dot_size=5):

        self.shapesize(dot_size / CURSOR_SIZE)


    def attraction(self, other):
        ''' Return the force exerted on this body by the other body. '''

        # Report an error if the other object is the same as this one.
        if self is other:
            raise ValueError("Attraction of object {} to itself requested".format(self.name))

        # Compute the distance of the other body:
        dx, dy = other.Position - self.Position
        distance = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

        # Report an Error if the distance is 0
        # ZeroDivisionError would happen later otherwise
        if distance == 0:
            raise ValueError("Collision between objects {} and {}".format(self.name, other.name))

        # Compute the force of attraction
        force = G * self.mass * other.mass / distance**2

        # Compute the direction of the force
        theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        direction = Vec2D(math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta))

        return direction * force

def updateInfo(step: int, bodies: list):
    ''' Display information about status of simulation. '''

    print('Step #{}'.format(step))

    for body in bodies:
        print(FORMAT.format(body.name, abs(body.Position * (1 / AU)), abs(body.velocity)))


def single_step(bodies, step=1):
    ''' Step through the simulation and updates the positions of given bodies. '''

    updateInfo(step, bodies)

    for body in bodies:
        # Adds all the forces exerted on a body
        totalForce = Vec2D(0.0, 0.0)

        for other in bodies:
            # Don't calculate attraction to itself
            if body is not other:
                totalForce += body.attraction(other)

        # Update velocities based on the force.
        body.velocity += totalForce * (1 / body.mass) * TIME_STEP

        # Update position
        body.Position += body.velocity * TIME_STEP

    screen.ontimer(lambda: single_step(bodies, step + 1))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    screen = Screen()
    screen.setworldcoordinates(-2 * AU, -2 * AU, 2 * AU, 2 * AU)

    sun = Body(10)
    sun.name = 'Sun'
    sun.mass = 1.98892 * 10**30

    earth = Body()
    earth.name = 'Earth'
    earth.mass = 5.9742 * 10**24
    earth.Position = Vec2D(-AU, 0.0)
    earth.velocity = Vec2D(0.0, 29.783 * 1000)

    venus = Body()
    venus.name = 'Venus'
    venus.mass = 4.8685 * 10**24
    venus.Position = Vec2D(0.723 * AU, 0.0)
    venus.velocity = Vec2D(0.0, -35.02 * 1000)

    single_step([sun, earth, venus])


updateInfo()函数让我感到困惑,因为它打印了四个数据参数中的三个。 (即,将Y位置打印为速度!)我只是做一些随机操作,打印矢量的绝对值。