我在SQL Server 2008中有3个表
我有一个有效的解决方案,但感觉很笨,如果多个用户同时更新多个条目,在某些情况下可能会失败。 (假设)
以下是创建场景的示例脚本以及我想要阻止的一些示例。如果变更的影响不会破坏解决方案的太多其他方面,我不反对更改数据库设计。 (我意识到这是主观的)
use Tinker
if exists (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords') AND type in (N'U'))
drop table dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords
if exists (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Products') AND type in (N'U'))
drop table dbo.Products
if exists (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Clubs') AND type in (N'U'))
drop table dbo.Clubs
create table dbo.Clubs (
ID int not null identity(1,1)
,Name varchar(50) not null
,constraint PK_Clubs primary key clustered ( ID )
alter table dbo.Clubs add constraint UK_Clubs__Name unique ( Name )
create table dbo.Products (
ID int not null identity(1,1)
,ClubID int not null
,Name varchar(50) not null
,ShortCode varchar(50) not null
,Keyword varchar(50) not null
,constraint PK_Products primary key clustered ( ID )
alter table dbo.Products add constraint UK_Products__ShortCode_Keyword unique ( ShortCode , Keyword )
alter table dbo.Products add constraint UK_Products__Name unique ( Name )
alter table dbo.Products add constraint FK_Products_ClubID foreign key ( ClubID ) references dbo.Clubs ( ID )
create table dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords (
ID int not null identity(1,1)
,ProductID int not null
,Keyword varchar(50) not null
,constraint PK_ProductAdditionalKeywords primary key clustered ( ID )
alter table dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords add constraint FK_ProductAdditionalKeywords_ProductID foreign key ( ProductID ) references dbo.Products ( ID )
alter table dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords add constraint UK_ProductAdditionalKeywords__Keyword unique ( Keyword )
insert into dbo.Clubs ( Name )
select 'Club 1'
union all select 'Club 2'
insert into dbo.Products (ClubID,Name,Shortcode,Keyword)
select 1,'Product 1','001','P1'
union all select 1,'Product 2','001','P2'
union all select 1,'Product 3','001','P3'
union all select 2,'Product 4','002','P4'
union all select 2,'Product 5','002','P5'
union all select 2,'Product 6','002','P6'
insert into dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords (ProductID,Keyword)
select 1,'P1A'
union all select 1,'P1B'
union all select 2,'P2A'
union all select 2,'P2B'
What can be done to prevent the following statements from beeing allowed based on the reason in the comments?
--insert into dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords (ProductID,Keyword) values ( 1 , 'P2' ) -- Main keyword for product 2
--update dbo.Products set Keyword = 'P1A' where ID = 2 -- Additional keyword for product 1
--insert into dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords (ProductID,Keyword) values ( 3 , 'P1' ) -- Main ShortCode/Keyword combination for product 1
At the moment I look at the following view to see if the proposed(new/updated) Keyword/Shortcode combination already exists
If it already exists I pevent the insert/update
Is there any way to do it in the DB via constraints rather than in the BLL?
select ShortCode,Keyword,count([ClubID]) as ClubCount from
select p.ClubID,p.ShortCode,p.Keyword,p.ID
from dbo.Products p
union all
select p.ClubID,p.ShortCode,PAK.Keyword,PAK.ID * -1
from dbo.ProductAdditionalKeywords as PAK
inner join dbo.Products P on PAK.ProductID = P.ID
) as FullList
group by Shortcode,Keyword
order by Shortcode,Keyword
答案 0 :(得分:2)
1)产品中的关键字是否比其他关键字更重要或更特殊?如果是这样,我们需要在关键字表中添加一列来标记哪一个是重要的。为了确保只设置一个,您可以搜索大量其他涉及附加条件的唯一约束的SO问题。 (如果你找不到一个并且需要它,请告诉我,我确信如果有必要我可以添加一个链接)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
关于你的设计,我不明白使用没有ShortCode字段的productAdditionalShortCodes。 但是,您可以使用ShortCode& amp;添加唯一键约束。关键字(复合键)。这将消除产品表中的重复条目。