问题是我已经对宏的合并部分进行了编码,但是我在代码的合并行中始终得到“ False”结果,我找不到原因...
Sub CombinePDFs() '(ByVal NewAsmPdf As String, ByVal OldAsmPdf As String)
' The function will combine the PDFs keeping the BOM of the older file merged (The one which is replaced)
Dim Adobe As AcroPDDoc
Dim PDF1 As Object
Dim PDF2 As Object
Dim PageNF As Long
Dim PageOF As Long
Dim b As Byte
Dim NewAsmPdf As String
Dim OldAsmPdf As String
NewAsmPdf = "Path.PDF"
OldAsmPdf = "Path_BOM.PDF"
' Defines the two PDFs to be merged
Set PDF1 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
PDF1.Open (NewAsmPdf)
Set PDF2 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
PDF2.Open (OldAsmPdf)
'Get the pages to be keep
PageNF = PDF1.GetNumPages
PageOF = PDF2.GetNumPages - PageNF
'Insert PDF2 BOM in PDF1
If PDF1.InsertPages(PageNF, PDF2, PageNF + 1, PageOF, 0) Then 'Here is my problem : Keep having false (No merge)
Kill (OldAsmPdf)
MsgBox ("Could not merge the Old and New file")
End If
End Sub
Function CombinePDFs(ByVal NewAsmPdf As String, ByVal OldAsmPdf As String)
' The function will combine the 2 PDFs and replace the OldFile by the NewFile
Dim PDF1 As Object
Dim PDF2 As Object
Dim PageNF As Long
Dim PageOF As Long
Dim NewAsmPdf As String
Dim OldAsmPdf As String
' Defines the two PDFs to be merged
Set PDF1 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
PDF1.Open (NewAsmPdf)
Set PDF2 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
PDF2.Open (OldAsmPdf)
'Get the pages to be keep
PageNF = PDF1.GetNumPages
PageOF = PDF2.GetNumPages
' Insert PDF2 BOM in PDF1
If PDF1.InsertPages(PageNF - 1, PDF2, PageNF, PageOF-1, 0)
If Not PDF1.Save(PDSaveFill, NewAsmPdf) Then
MsgBox ("Not saved")
End If
' Delete "_BOM.PDF" file
Kill (OldAsmPdf)
MsgBox ("Could not merge the Old and New file")
End If
' Clear memory
Set PDF1 = Nothing
Set PDF2 = Nothing
End Function