
时间:2019-10-20 16:03:58

标签: pyspark


 column                                                                                            |   new_column
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
Hoy es día de ABC/KE98789T983456 clase.                                                           |    98789
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
Como ABC/KE 34562Z845673 todas las mañanas                                                        |    34562
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
Hoy tiene ABC/KE 110330/L63868 clase de matemáticas,                                              |    110330
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
Marcos se ABC 898456/L56784 levanta con sueño.                                                    |    898456
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
Marcos se ABC898456 levanta con sueño.                                                            |    898456
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
comienza ABC - KE 60014 -T60058                                                                   |    60014
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
inglés y FOR 102658/L61144 ciencia. Se viste, desayuna                                            |    102658
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
y comienza FOR ABC- 72981 / KE T79581: el camino hacia la                                         |    72981
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
escuela. Se FOR ABC 101665 - 103035 - 101926 - 105484 - 103036 - 103247 - encuentra con su        |    [101665,103035,101926,105484,103036,103247]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
escuela ABCS 206048/206049/206050/206051/205225-FG-matemáticas-                                   |    [206048,206049,206050,206051,205225]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
encuentra ABCS 111553/L00847 & 111558/L00895 - matemáticas                                        |    [111553, 111558]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
ciencia ABC 163278/P20447 AND RETROFIT ABCS 164567/P21000 - 164568/P21001 - desayuna              |    [163278,164567,164568 ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
ABC/KE 71729/T81672 - 71781/T81674 71782/T81676 71730/T81673 71783/T81677 71784/T                 |    [71729,71781,71782,71730,71783,71784]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------
ciencia ABC/KE2646/L61175:E/F-levanta con sueño L61/62LAV AT Z5CTR/XC D3-1593                     |    [2646]
escuela ABCS 6048/206049/6050/206051/205225-FG-matemáticas- MSN 2345                              |    [6048,206049,6050,206051,205225]
FOR ABC/KE 109038_L35674_DEFINE AND DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS OF 1618 FROM 118(PDS4 BRACKETS)           |   [109038]
y comienza FOR ABC- 2981 / KE T79581: el camino hacia la 9856                                     |   [2981]

我想从此文本中提取所有包含4、5或6位数字的数字。 提取它们的条件和案例:

- Attached to ABC/KE (first line in the example above).
- after ABC/KE + space (second and third line).
- after ABC + space (line 4)
- after ABC without space (line 5)
- after ABC - KE + space
- after for word
- after ABC- + space
- after ABC + space
- after ABCS (line 10 and 11)


                                    Column                                                    |   new_column
FOR ABC/KE 109038_L35674_DEFINE AND DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS OF 1618 FROM 118(PDS4 BRACKETS)           |   [1618]   ==> should be [109038]
ciencia ABC/KE2646/L61175:E/F-levanta con sueño L61/62LAV AT Z5CTR/XC D3-1593                     |   [1593]  ==> should be [2646]
escuela ABCS 6048/206049/6050/206051/205225-FG-matemáticas- MSN 2345                              |    [6048,206049,6050,206051,205225, 2345]  ==> should be [6048,206049,6050,206051,205225]

我希望我能恢复案件,您可以在上面看到我的示例以及期望的输出。 我该怎么做 ? 谢谢

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



import re
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf


  • clean1 :使用[-&\s]+将'&','-'和空格转换为空格' ',它们用于连接数字链

    example: `ABC - KE`  -->  `ABC KE`
             `103035 - 101926 - 105484` -> `103035 101926 105484`
             `111553/L00847 & 111558/L00895` -> `111553/L00847 111558/L00895`
  • clean2 :将与以下三个子模式匹配的文本转换为'ABC '

    + ABCS?(?:[/\s]+KE|(?=\s*\d))
      + ABC followed by an optional `S`
        + followed by at least one slash or whitespace and then `KE` --> `[/\s]+KE`
          example: `ABC/KE 110330/L63868` to `ABC  110330/L63868`
        + or followed by optional whitespaces and then at least one digit  --> (?=\s*\d)
          example: ABC898456 -> `ABC 898456`
    + \bFOR\s+(?:[A-Z]+\s+)*
      + `FOR` words
          example: `FOR DEF HJK 12345` -> `ABC 12345`
  • 数据 \ b(\ d {4,6})(?= [AZ / _] | $)是与实际匹配的正则表达式数字:4-6位数字,后跟[AZ /]或end_of_string


ptns = {
    'clean1': re.compile(r'[-&\s]+', re.UNICODE)
  , 'clean2': re.compile(r'\bABCS?(?:[/\s-]+KE|(?=\s*\d))|\bFOR\s+(?:[A-Z]+\s+)*', re.UNICODE)
  , 'data'  : re.compile(r'\b(\d{4,6})(?=[A-Z/_]|$)', re.UNICODE)


def find_number(s_t_r, ptns, is_debug=0):
    arr = re.sub(ptns['clean2'], 'ABC ', re.sub(ptns['clean1'], ' ', s_t_r.upper())).split()
    if is_debug: return arr
    # f: flag to identify if a chain of matches is started, default is 0(false)
    f = 0
    new_arr = []
    # iterate through the above arr and start checking numbers when anchor is detected and set f=1
    for x in arr:
      if x == 'ABC':
        f = 1
      elif f:
        new = re.findall(ptns['data'], x)
        # if find any matches, else reset the flag
        if new:
          f = 0
    return new_arr
  except Exception as e:
    # only use print in local debugging
    print('ERROR:{}:\n  [{}]\n'.format(s_t_r, e))
    return []


udf_find_number = udf(lambda x: find_number(x, ptns), ArrayType(StringType()))


df.withColumn('new_column', udf_find_number('column')).show(truncate=False)
|column                                                                                    |new_column                                      |
|Hoy es da de ABC/KE98789T983456 clase.                                                    |[98789]                                         |
|Como ABC/KE 34562Z845673 todas las ma?anas                                                |[34562]                                         |
|Hoy tiene ABC/KE 110330/L63868 clase de matem篓垄ticas,                                    |[110330]                                        |
|Marcos se ABC 898456/L56784 levanta con sue?o.                                            |[898456]                                        |
|Marcos se ABC898456 levanta con sue?o.                                                    |[898456]                                        |
|comienza ABC - KE 60014 -T60058                                                           |[60014]                                         |
|ingl篓娄s y FOR 102658/L61144 ciencia. Se viste, desayuna                                  |[102658]                                        |
|y comienza FOR ABC- 72981 / KE T79581: el camino hacia la                                 |[72981]                                         |
|escuela. Se FOR ABC 101665 - 103035 - 101926 - 105484 - 103036 - 103247 - encuentra con su|[101665, 103035, 101926, 105484, 103036, 103247]|
|escuela ABCS 206048/206049/206050/206051/205225-FG-matem篓垄ticas-                         |[206048, 206049, 206050, 206051, 205225]        |
|encuentra ABCS 111553/L00847 & 111558/L00895 - matem篓垄ticas                              |[111553, 111558]                                |
|ciencia ABC 163278/P20447 AND RETROFIT ABCS 164567/P21000 - 164568/P21001 - desayuna      |[163278, 164567, 164568]                        |
|ABC/KE 71729/T81672 - 71781/T81674 71782/T81676 71730/T81673 71783/T81677 71784/T         |[71729, 71781, 71782, 71730, 71783, 71784]      |

(6)用于调试的代码,使用find_number(row.column, ptns, 1)检查前两个正则表达式模式如何/是否按预期工作:

for row in df.limit(10).collect():
  print('{}:\n    {}\n'.format(row.column, find_number(row.column, ptns)))


  • clean2模式,ABCS和ABS的处理方式相同。如果它们不同,则只需删除'S'并在模式末尾添加新的替代项ABCS\s*(?=\d)

  • 当前模式clean1仅将'-','&'和空格视为连续的连接符,您可以添加更多字符或单词,例如'and','or',例如:

  • FOR words是\ bFOR \ s +(?:[A-Z] + \ s +)*,可能会根据单词中是否允许数字等进行调整。

  • 这已在Python-3上进行了测试。使用Python-2,Unicode可能会出现问题,您可以使用reference

  • 的第一个答案中的方法来解决它