
时间:2019-08-21 07:26:36

标签: c++ while-loop ifstream



Name,Student code, Ability,Consistency,Program name:Subject list


Average Ant,204932,50,5,Short course:1
Brilliant Bison,234543,80,3,Bachelor of Bounciness:2,5,3

除了最后一部分(主题列表),学生之间的长度不同,我可以毫无问题地阅读所有信息。 我该如何编写代码,以便如果一个学生只有1个像平均蚂蚁这样的科目,我可以将其推入subjectList向量,但如果他们有3个像出色的野牛一样,我仍然可以毫无问题地将它们全部推入。


struct Student
    string name;
    int code;
    int ability;
    int consistency;
    string programName;
    vector<int> subjectList;

void createStudents(string fileName)
    string tempSubjectId;
    int subjectId;

    //temp variable to then use to convert them to int.
    string codeTemp, abilityTemp, consistencyTemp;

    std::ifstream studentFile(fileName);

    //A new student data member is created
    Student newStudent;

    if(studentFile.is_open() && studentFile.good())
        cout << " " << endl;
        cout << "---Reading from Students---" << endl;
        while(getline(studentFile,newStudent.name, ','))

            //we go get each value which is delimited by a comma and one by a colon
            //getline(studentFile, newStudent.name, ',');

            //To convert the strings to an int, the string is given to a temporary variable
            //Then the temporary variable is parsed to an int using stoi and the code datamember from the struct is assign to that new int
            getline(studentFile, codeTemp, ',');
            newStudent.code = stoi(codeTemp);

            getline(studentFile, abilityTemp, ',');
            newStudent.ability = stoi(abilityTemp);

            getline(studentFile, consistencyTemp, ',');
            newStudent.consistency = stoi(consistencyTemp);

            getline(studentFile, newStudent.programName, ':');

//want to push ints into subject list here.

            //The new struct data member is added to the vector and returned for further use.
        //file is then closed

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>

struct Student
    std::string name;
    int code;
    int ability;
    int consistency;
    std::string programName;
    std::vector<int> subjectList;

std::vector<Student> studentList;

void createStudents(std::string fileName)
    std::string tempLine;

    //temp variable to then use to convert them to int.
    std::string tempStr;

    std::ifstream studentFile(fileName);

    if (studentFile.is_open())
        std::cout << " " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "---Reading from Students---" << std::endl;

        while (std::getline(studentFile, tempLine))
            std::istringstream iss(tempLine);

            //A new student data member is created
            Student newStudent;

            //we go get each value which is delimited by a comma and one by a colon

            std::getline(iss, newStudent.name, ',');

            //To convert the strings to an int, the string is given to a temporary variable
            //Then the temporary variable is parsed to an int using stoi and the code datamember from the struct is assign to that new int
            std::getline(iss, tempStr, ',');
            newStudent.code = std::stoi(tempStr);

            std::getline(iss, tempStr, ',');
            newStudent.ability = std::stoi(tempStr);

            std::getline(iss, tempStr, ',');
            newStudent.consistency = std::stoi(tempStr);

            std::getline(iss, newStudent.programName, ':');

            // push ints into subject list
            while (std::getline(iss, tempStr, ',')) {

            //The new struct data member is added to the vector and returned for further use.

        //file is then closed

答案 1 :(得分:0)


#include <sstream>

string subjectList;
getline(studentFile, subjectList); // read all the subjects
istringstream iss(subjectList);     // put into a string stream for parsing
string subject;
while (getline(iss, subject, ','))  // read from string stream, spliting on commas
    newStudent.subjectList.push_back(stoi(subject)); // add to subject list


答案 2 :(得分:0)


struct Student
    string name;
    int code;
    int ability;
    int consistency;
    string programName;
    vector<int> subjectList;

void createStudents(string fileName)

    string tempSubjectId;
    int subjectId;
//temp variable to then use to convert them to int.
string codeTemp, abilityTemp, consistencyTemp;

std::ifstream studentFile(fileName);

//A new student data member is created
Student newStudent;

if(studentFile.is_open() && studentFile.good())
    cout << " " << endl;
    cout << "---Reading from Students---" << endl;
    while(getline(studentFile,newStudent.name, ','))

        //we go get each value which is delimited by a comma and one by a colon
        //getline(studentFile, newStudent.name, ',');

        //To convert the strings to an int, the string is given to a temporary variable
        //Then the temporary variable is parsed to an int using stoi and the code datamember from the struct is assign to that new int
        getline(studentFile, codeTemp, ',');
        newStudent.code = stoi(codeTemp);

        getline(studentFile, abilityTemp, ',');
        newStudent.ability = stoi(abilityTemp);

        getline(studentFile, consistencyTemp, ',');
        newStudent.consistency = stoi(consistencyTemp);

        getline(studentFile, newStudent.programName, ':')
        std::string line;
        std::vector <int> arr;
        getline(studentFile, line);
        boost::split(arr, line, [](char c) {return (c==',');})

        newStudent.subjectList = arr;

    //file is then closed

答案 3 :(得分:0)

我大力支持Arash Partow的String Toolkit Library。实际上,它几乎可以神奇地处理阅读和解析文本。您可以设置一个lamba来逐行解析,并根据您的结构进行大量其他工作。这是一个简单的例子。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <strtk.hpp>  // String Toolkit Library

struct Student_t
    string name;
    int code;
    int ability;
    int consistency;
    string programName;
    vector<int> subjectList;

const char *whitespace  = " \t\r\n\f";

// in case you wanted to parse on stuff with comma or whitespace
// it is just a matter of choosing what you want to parse
// by
/// const char *whitespace_and_punctuation  = " \t\r\n\f;,=";

const char *comma_and_colon = ",:";

int main()
   std::fstream input("file.txt", std::ios::in );
   std::string line;
   std::vector<Student_t> students;
   while(getline(input_strm, line) ) 

       // clean up the string (precaution)
       strtk::remove_leading_and_trailing(whitespace, line);

       Student_t s;  // declare an instance

       // The parse function will fill in & convert the values into the variables
       // Since the last element is a vector, all the remaining integers will  
       // be converted.

       // the example does assume that a colon is used only once
       if(!strtk::parse( line, comma_and_colon,  s.name, s.code, 
                   s.ability, s.consistency, s.programName, s.subjectList ) ) {
           // you may want to handle the parse error differently




我已经使用String Toolkit库回答了许多问题,其他人也回答了。 该库是C ++,仅标头且快速。图书馆有很多例子,很好的文档。