
时间:2019-08-15 07:49:31

标签: javascript functional-programming currying


我尝试过交换使用es6'const'定义的功能 适用于简单情况,但使用“过滤器”过滤字符串时,结果不正确,但使用整数可产生所需的结果。

//Does not work well with filter when filtering strings
//but works correctly with numbers
const curry = (fn, initialArgs=[]) => (
    (...args) => (
        a => a.length === fn.length ? fn(...a) : curry(fn, a)
    )([...initialArgs, ...args])

//Regular js
//Works well for all cases
function curry(fn) {
  const arity = fn.length;

  return function $curry(...args) {
    if (args.length < arity) {
      return $curry.bind(null, ...args);

    return fn.call(null, ...args);

const match = curry((pattern, s) => s.match(pattern));
const filter = curry((f, xs) => xs.filter(f));

const hasQs = match(/q/i);

const filterWithQs = filter(hasQs);
console.log(filterWithQs(["hello", "quick", "sand", "qwerty", "quack"]));
    [ 'hello', 'quick', 'sand', 'qwerty', 'quack' ]
    [ 'quick', 'qwerty', 'quack' ]

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您将filter改为使用xs.filter(x => f(x))而不是xs.filter(f),它将起作用-

const filter = curry((f, xs) => xs.filter(x => f(x)))

// ...

console.log(filterWithQs(["hello", "quick", "sand", "qwerty", "quack"]))
// => [ 'quick', 'qwerty', 'quack' ]


  • callback-函数是谓词,用于测试数组的每个元素。返回true保留元素,否则返回false。它接受三个参数:      
    • element-数组中正在处理的当前元素。
    • index(可选)-数组中正在处理的当前元素的索引。
    • array(可选)-调用了数组过滤器。

您在f中使用的filtermatch(/q/i),因此当Array.prototype.filter调用它时,您会得到三(3)个额外的参数,而不是预期一(1)。在curry的上下文中,这意味着a.length将是四(4),并且由于4 === fn.lengthfalse(其中fn.length2 ),返回值为curry(fn, a),这是另一个函数。由于所有函数在JavaScript中都被视为 truthy 值,因此filter调用将返回所有输入字符串。

// your original code:

// is equivalent to:
xs.filter((elem, index, arr) => f(elem, index, arr))

通过更改过滤器以使用...filter(x => f(x)),我们只允许将一(1)个参数传递给回调,因此curry将计算2 === 2,即{{1} },返回值是评估true的结果,它返回预期的match true


另一种可能更好的选择是将“ es6”中的// the updated code: xs.filter(x => f(x)) // is equivalent to: xs.filter((elem, index, arr) => f(elem)) 更改为=== >=-



const curry = (fn, initialArgs=[]) => (
    (...args) => (
        a => a.length >= fn.length ? fn(...a) : curry(fn, a)
    )([...initialArgs, ...args])

// ...

console.log(filterWithQs(["hello", "quick", "sand", "qwerty", "quack"]))
// => [ 'quick', 'qwerty', 'quack' ]

最后,这是我过去写过const foo = (a, b, c) => // has only three (3) parameters console.log(a + b + c) foo(1,2,3,4,5) // called with five (5) args // still works // => 6的其他方式。我已经测试过它们每个都能为您的问题提供正确的输出-



多功能const curry = f => { const aux = (n, xs) => n === 0 ? f (...xs) : x => aux (n - 1, [...xs, x]) return aux (f.length, []) } ,可用于可变函数-



const curryN = n => f => {
  const aux = (n, xs) =>
    n === 0 ? f (...xs) : x => aux (n - 1, [...xs, x])
  return aux (n, [])

// curry derived from curryN
const curry = f => curryN (f.length) (f)

the lambda calculus和Howard Curry的定点Y-combinator致敬-

const curry = (f, ...xs) => (...ys) =>
  f.length > xs.length + ys.length 
    ? curry (f, ...xs, ...ys)
    : f (...xs, ...ys)


const U =
  f => f (f)

const Y =
  U (h => f => f (x => U (h) (f) (x)))

const curryN =
  Y (h => xs => n => f =>
    n === 0
      ? f (...xs)
      : x => h ([...xs, x]) (n - 1) (f)
  ) ([])

const curry = f =>
  curryN (f.length) (f)

最后,@ Donat的答案很有趣,可以实现匿名递归-

// for binary (2-arity) functions
const curry2 = f => x => y => f (x, y)

// for ternary (3-arity) functions
const curry3 = f => x => y => z => f (x, y, z)

// for arbitrary arity
const partial = (f, ...xs) => (...ys) => f (...xs, ...ys)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


第一版:curry(fn, a)

第二版:$curry.bind(null, ...args)

如果将第一个版本(es6)更改为fn.bind(null, ...args),则仅适用于一步一步(如示例所示)工作

es6语法中“ Regular js”版本的表示应如下所示(您需要在常量中为递归调用中的函数命名):

    curry = (fn) => {
        const c = (...args) => (
            args.length < fn.length ? c.bind(null, ...args) : fn(...args)
        return c;