我可以将表格数据导出到excel,而无需使用样式,不会出现任何问题。我还找到了一个代码,该代码可以导出带有某些自定义样式的数据(只需合并单元格 B1 和 C1 并将其加粗)。
<div ui-grid="gridOptions2" ui-grid-pagination ui-grid-selection ui-grid-exporter class="myGrid"></div>
$scope.gridOptions2 = {
paginationPageSizes: [25, 50, 75],
paginationPageSize: 25,
enableGridMenu: true,
enableSelectAll: true,
exporterCsvFilename: 'myFile.csv',
exporterPdfDefaultStyle: {fontSize: 9},
exporterPdfTableStyle: {margin: [30, 30, 30, 30]},
exporterPdfTableHeaderStyle: {fontSize: 10, bold: true, italics: true, color: 'red'},
exporterPdfHeader: { text: "My Header", style: 'headerStyle' },
exporterPdfFooter: function ( currentPage, pageCount ) {
return { text: currentPage.toString() + ' of ' + pageCount.toString(), style: 'footerStyle' };
exporterPdfCustomFormatter: function ( grid, workbook, docDefinition ) {
var stylesheet = workbook.getStyleSheet();
var stdStyle = stylesheet.createFontStyle({
size: 9, fontName: 'Calibri'
var boldStyle = stylesheet.createFontStyle({
size: 9, fontName: 'Calibri', bold: true
var aFormatDefn = {
"font": boldStyle.id,
"alignment": { "wrapText": true }
var formatter = stylesheet.createFormat(aFormatDefn);
// save the formatter
$scope.formatters['bold'] = formatter;
var dateFormatter = stylesheet.createSimpleFormatter('date');
$scope.formatters['date'] = dateFormatter;
aFormatDefn = {
"font": stdStyle.id,
"fill": { "type": "pattern", "patternType": "solid", "fgColor": "FFFFC7CE" },
"alignment": { "wrapText": true }
var singleDefn = {
font: stdStyle.id,
format: '#,##0.0'
formatter = stylesheet.createFormat(aFormatDefn);
// save the formatter
$scope.formatters['red'] = formatter;
Object.assign(docDefinition.styles , $scope.formatters);
return docDefinition;
exporterExcelHeader: function (grid, workbook, sheet, docDefinition) {
// this can be defined outside this method
var stylesheet = workbook.getStyleSheet();
var aFormatDefn = {
"font": { "size": 11, "fontName": "Calibri", "bold": true },
"alignment": { "wrapText": true }
var formatterId = stylesheet.createFormat(aFormatDefn);
// excel cells start with A1 which is upper left corner
sheet.mergeCells('B1', 'C1');
var cols = [];
// push empty data
cols.push({ value: '' });
// push data in B1 cell with metadata formatter
cols.push({ value: 'My header that is long enough to wrap', metadata: {style: formatterId.id} });
exporterFieldFormatCallback: function(grid, row, gridCol, cellValue) {
// set metadata on export data to set format id. See exportExcelHeader config above for example of creating
// a formatter and obtaining the id
var formatterId = null;
if (gridCol.field === 'name' && cellValue && cellValue.startsWith('W')) {
formatterId = $scope.formatters['red'].id;
if (gridCol.field === 'updatedDate') {
formatterId = $scope.formatters['date'].id;
if (formatterId) {
return {metadata: {style: formatterId}};
} else {
return null;
exporterColumnScaleFactor: 4.5,
exporterFieldApplyFilters: true,
onRegisterApi: function(gridApi){
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
onRegisterApi: function(gridApi){
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;