
时间:2019-06-26 12:05:01

标签: excel vb.net activex office-interop





但是,当我使用vb.net Winforms项目中的Interop打开它时,当链接的单元格中的值更改时,QR码不再响应。 而且,当我右键单击条形码控件时,“ Microsoft条形码控件14.0对象”上下文菜单选项(如下所示)丢失了。

enter image description here


Dim XLApp As New Excel.Application
XLApp.Visible = True
Dim XLBook As Excel.Workbook = XLApp.Workbooks.Open(FilePath)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我无法使Microsoft条形码控件与interop一起正常运行。 一种方法是使用shell命令打开文件,然后挂接到进程中以使用该文件。但是我发现这太混乱了。

相反,我决定使用Google的Chart API。这确实需要互联网连接。但这对我来说不是问题。



Option Explicit
'other technical specifications about google chart API:

Function URL_QRCode_SERIES( _
    ByVal PictureName As String, _
    ByVal QR_Value As String, _
    Optional ByVal PictureSize As Long = 150, _
    Optional ByVal DisplayText As String = "", _
    Optional ByVal Updateable As Boolean = True) As Variant

Dim oPic As Shape, oRng As Excel.Range
Dim vLeft As Variant, vTop As Variant
Dim sURL As String

Const sRootURL As String = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?"
Const sSizeParameter As String = "chs="
Const sTypeChart As String = "cht=qr"
Const sDataParameter As String = "chl="
Const sJoinCHR As String = "&"

If Updateable = False Then
    URL_QRCode_SERIES = "outdated"
    Exit Function
End If

Set oRng = Application.Caller.Offset(, 1)
On Error Resume Next
Set oPic = oRng.Parent.Shapes(PictureName)
If Err Then
    vLeft = oRng.Left + 4
    vTop = oRng.Top
    vLeft = oPic.Left
    vTop = oPic.Top
    PictureSize = Int(oPic.Width)
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If Len(QR_Value) = 0 Then
    URL_QRCode_SERIES = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
End If

sURL = sRootURL & _
       sSizeParameter & PictureSize & "x" & PictureSize & sJoinCHR & _
       sTypeChart & sJoinCHR & _
       sDataParameter & UTF8_URL_Encode(VBA.Replace(QR_Value, " ", "+"))

Set oPic = oRng.Parent.Shapes.AddPicture(sURL, True, True, vLeft, vTop, PictureSize, PictureSize)
oPic.Name = PictureName
URL_QRCode_SERIES = DisplayText
End Function

Function UTF8_URL_Encode(ByVal sStr As String)    
    Dim i As Long
    Dim a As Long
    Dim res As String
    Dim code As String

    res = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(sStr)
        a = AscW(Mid(sStr, i, 1))
        If a < 128 Then
            code = Mid(sStr, i, 1)
        ElseIf ((a > 127) And (a < 2048)) Then
            code = URLEncodeByte(((a \ 64) Or 192))
            code = code & URLEncodeByte(((a And 63) Or 128))
            code = URLEncodeByte(((a \ 144) Or 234))
            code = code & URLEncodeByte((((a \ 64) And 63) Or 128))
            code = code & URLEncodeByte(((a And 63) Or 128))
        End If
        res = res & code
    Next i
    UTF8_URL_Encode = res
End Function

Private Function URLEncodeByte(val As Integer) As String
    Dim res As String
    res = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(val), 2)
    URLEncodeByte = res
End Function