
时间:2019-06-21 12:15:31

标签: excel vba


Sub OpenMenu()


Dim PS As Positions

    #If VBA6 Then
        Dim HO As cstFormHorizontalPosition
        Dim VO As cstFormVerticalPosition
        Dim HO As Long
        Dim VO As Long
    #End If

    HO = cstFhpFormLeftCellLeft '   set these to how you want the form positioned relative to AnchorCell
    VO = cstFvpFormBottomCellCenter '   set these to how you want the form positioned relative to AnchorCell

    ' Call PositionForm to determine the correct positions
    PS = PositionForm(WhatForm:=frmSelectReport, AnchorRange:=Range("B1"), HorizOrientation:=HO, VertOrientation:=VO)
    frmSelectReport.Top = PS.FrmTop   ' set the Top position of the form
    frmSelectReport.Left = PS.FrmLeft ' set the Left position of the form

End Sub

错误出现在PS = PositionForm(WhatForm:=frmSelectReport, AnchorRange:=Range("B1"), HorizOrientation:=HO, VertOrientation:=VO)

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