
时间:2019-05-27 18:52:03

标签: java unit-testing mocking mockito test-suite




    public class Parser {

    private LevelMaker levelMaker;

    private BoardMaker boardMaker;

    public Parser(LevelMaker levelMaker, BoardMaker boardMaker) {
        this.levelMaker = levelMaker;
        this.boardMaker = boardMaker;

     * Makes Board on a level from txt file of a map.
     * Supported characters:
     * ' ' an empty square.
     * '#' a wall.
     * '.' coins to collect.
     * 'P' square for players.
     * 'G' a square with a gamer (enemy in the game).
     * @param map The text representation of the board
     * @return The level as represented by text map.
    public Level parsingTheMap(char[][] map) {
        Square[][] grid = new Square[map.length][map[0].length];

        List<Enemy> enemies = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Square> startPositions = new ArrayList<>();

        makeGrid(map, map.length, map[0].length, grid, enemies, startPositions);

        Board board = boardMaker.createBoardFromGrid(grid);
        Level theLevel = levelMaker.createLevel(board, enemies, startPositions);
        return theLevel;

    private void makeGrid(char[][] map, int width, int height,
                          Square[][] grid, List<Enemy> enemies, List<Square> startPositions) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                char c = map[x][y];
                addSquare(grid, enemies, startPositions, x, y, c);

     * Adds a square to the grid based on a given character. These
     * character come from the map files and describe the type
     * of square.
     * @param grid The grid of squares with board[x][y] being the
     *            square at column x, row y.
     * @param enemies List of all enemies that were added to the map.
     * @param startPositions List of all start positions that were added
     *            to the map.
     * @param x coordinate of the square.
     * @param y coordinate of the square.
     * @param c Character describing the square type.
    protected void addSquare(Square[][] grid, List<Enemy> enemies,
                             List<Square> startPositions, int x, int y, char c) {
        switch (c) {
            case ' ':
                grid[x][y] = boardMaker.createEmptySquare();
            case '#':
                grid[x][y] = boardMaker.createWall();
            case '.':
                Square coinsSquare = boardMaker.createEmptySquare();
                grid[x][y] = coinsSquare;
            case 'G':
                Square enemySquare = makeEnemySquare(enemies, levelMaker.createEnemy());
                grid[x][y] = enemySquare;
            case 'P':
                Square playerSquare = boardMaker.createEmptySquare();
                grid[x][y] = playerSquare;
                throw new GameConfigurationException("Invalid character at "
                        + x + "," + y + ": " + c);

     * creates a Square with the specified enemy on it
     * and appends the placed enemy into the enemy list.
     * @param enemies all the enemies in the level
     * @param enemy the newly created enemy to be placed
     * @return a square with the enemy on it.
    protected Square makeEnemySquare(List<Enemy> enemies, Enemy enemy) {
        Square enemySquare = boardMaker.createEmptySquare();
        return enemySquare;

     * Parses the list of strings into a 2-dimensional character array and
     * passes it on to parsingTheMap(char[][])
     * @param text The plain text, with every entry in the list being a equally
     *            sized row of squares on the board and the first element being
     *            the top row.
     * @return The level as represented by the text.
    public Level parsingTheMap(List<String> text) {

        int height = text.size();
        int width = text.get(0).length();

        char[][] map = new char[width][height];
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                map[x][y] = text.get(y).charAt(x);
        return parsingTheMap(map);

     * Parses the provided input stream as a character stream and passes it
     * result to parsingTheMap(List).
     * @param src The input stream that will be read.
     * @return The parsed level as represented by the text on the input stream.
     * @throws IOException
    public Level parsingTheMap(InputStream src) throws IOException {
        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                src, "UTF-8"))) {
            List<String> linesOfMap = new ArrayList<>();
            while (reader.ready()) {
            return parsingTheMap(linesOfMap);

     * Parses the provided input stream as a character stream and passes it
     * result to parsingTheMap(List).
     * @param map Name of a resource that will be read.
     * @return The parsed level as represented by the text on the input stream.
     * @throws IOException 
    public Level parsingTheMap(String map) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream boardStream = parsingTheMap.class.getResourceAsStream(map)) {
            if (boardStream == null) {
                throw new GameConfigurationException("Something went wrong: " + map);
            return parsingTheMap(boardStream);

    protected BoardMaker getBoardMaker() {
        return boardMaker;


public class ParserTest {

private BoardMaker boardMaker;
private LevelMaker levelMaker;
private Parser parser;

void setUp() {
    levelMaker = mock(LevelMaker.class);
    boardMaker = mock(BoardMaker.class);

    parser = new Parser(levelMaker, boardMaker);

void parserTest() {
    List<String> map = Lists.newArrayList(
            "#P      G#");

    Square square = new Square();

    Board board = mock(Board.class);
    Level level = mock(Level.class);
    Coin coin = mock(Coin.class);

    when(levelMaker.createLevel(any(Board.class), anyList(), anyList()))

    //the level to compare with returned level from mapParser
    Level Level = parser.parsingTheMap(map);

    verify(levelMaker).createLevel(any(Board.class), anyList(), anyList());

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