如何使用const * T成员声明#[no_mangle] pub静态符号

时间:2019-05-19 11:30:28

标签: rust ffi


此结构包含一些函数指针和其他指针字段(声明为const *T),因此无法实现Sync。如何在安全或不安全的Rust中导出此类符号?


我正在使用稳定的Rust 2018 Edition和最新的rust-bindgen


#[doc = " kamailio/openser module exports version"]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct kam_module_exports {
    #[doc = "< null terminated module name"]
    pub name: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
    #[doc = "< flags for dlopen"]
    pub dlflags: ::std::os::raw::c_uint,
    #[doc = "< null terminated array of the exported"]
    #[doc = "commands"]
    pub cmds: *const kam_cmd_export_t,
    #[doc = "< null terminated array of the exported"]
    #[doc = "module parameters"]
    pub params: *const param_export_t,
    #[doc = "< null terminated array of the exported"]
    #[doc = "module statistics"]
    pub stats: *const stat_export_t,
    #[doc = "< null terminated array of the exported"]
    #[doc = "NN functions"]
    pub nn_cmds: *const nn_export_t,
    #[doc = "< null terminated array of the exported"]
    #[doc = "module items (pseudo-variables)"]
    pub items: *const pv_export_t,
    #[doc = "< null terminated array of the"]
    #[doc = "additional processes required by the"]
    #[doc = "module"]
    pub procs: *const proc_export_t,
    #[doc = "< Initialization function"]
    pub init_f: init_function,
    #[doc = "< function used for responses,"]
    #[doc = "returns yes or no; can be null"]
    pub response_f: response_function,
    #[doc = "< function called when the module should"]
    #[doc = "be \"destroyed\", e.g: on ser exit;"]
    #[doc = "can be null"]
    pub destroy_f: destroy_function,
    #[doc = "< function called by all processes"]
    #[doc = "after the fork"]
    pub init_child_f: child_init_function,


pub static exports: *const ::kamailio_mod::kam_module_exports =
            &::kamailio_mod::kam_module_exports {
                name: &name[0],
                dlflags: 0,
                cmds: &cmd_exports[0],
                params: ::std::ptr::null_mut(),
                stats: ::std::ptr::null_mut(),
                nn_cmds: ::std::ptr::null_mut(),
                items: ::std::ptr::null_mut(),
                procs: ::std::ptr::null_mut(),
                init_f: None,
                response_f: None,
                destroy_f: None,
                init_child_f: None,

错误[E0277]:* const kamailio_mod :: kam_module_exports无法在线程之间安全共享

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