我正在尝试将glsl Scale应用于媒体,效果很好,但是当我随后使用“位置”效果时,我发现媒体随后被“截断”在顶部,露出黑色背景色,使得媒体顶部的“黑条”。请在此处看到问题区域用红色圆圈圈出:
const exampleMediaFile = {
url: "",
width: 1280,
height: 720,
const canvasDescription = {
width: 1280,
height: 720,
// scale effect
const scaleDescription = {
title: "AAF Video Scale Effect",
description: "A scale effect based on the AAF spec.",
vertexShader: `
attribute vec2 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texCoord;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(vec2(2.0,2.0)*a_position-vec2(1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
v_texCoord = a_texCoord;
fragmentShader: `
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D u_image;
uniform float scaleX;
uniform float scaleY;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
varying float v_progress;
void main(){
vec2 pos = vec2(v_texCoord[0]*1.0/scaleX - (1.0/scaleX/2.0 -0.5), v_texCoord[1]*1.0/scaleY - (1.0/scaleY/2.0 -0.5));
vec4 color = texture2D(u_image, pos);
if (pos[0] < 0.0 || pos[0] > 1.0 || pos[1] < 0.0 || pos[1] > 1.0){
color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
gl_FragColor = color;
properties: {
scaleX: { type: "uniform", value: 1.0 },
scaleY: { type: "uniform", value: 1.0 }
inputs: ["u_image"]
/// position effect
const positionDescription = {
title: "AAF Video Position Effect",
description: "A position effect based on the AAF spec.",
vertexShader: `
attribute vec2 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texCoord;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(vec2(2.0,2.0)*a_position-vec2(1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
v_texCoord = a_texCoord;
fragmentShader: `
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D u_image;
uniform float positionOffsetX;
uniform float positionOffsetY;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
varying float v_progress;
void main(){
vec2 pos = vec2(v_texCoord[0] - positionOffsetX/2.0, v_texCoord[1] - positionOffsetY/2.0);
vec4 color = texture2D(u_image, pos);
if (pos[0] < 0.0 || pos[0] > 1.0 || pos[1] < 0.0 || pos[1] > 1.0){
color = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
gl_FragColor = color;
properties: {
positionOffsetX: { type: "uniform", value: 0.0 },
positionOffsetY: { type: "uniform", value: 0.0 }
inputs: ["u_image"]
//Setup the video context.
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = new VideoContext(canvas);
//Create a video node
var videoNode =;
/// ------------ SCALE
const scaleEffect = ctx.effect(scaleDescription);
scaleEffect.scaleX = 2 // this is 200% scale
scaleEffect.scaleY = 2 // this is 200% scale
/// ------------ POSITION
const positionEffect = ctx.effect(positionDescription);
positionEffect.positionOffsetX = 0
positionEffect.positionOffsetY = -0.1 // this nudges the position slightly down
// you could play it if you wanted