通过输入框进行用户输入。 在工作表(“ Sheet3”)中搜索该文本。 复制5个单元格B7,D7,F7,G7,I7 从搜索到的单元格中粘贴 然后在单元格B2,C2,D2,E2,F2上进入Worksheet(“ Sheet2”)
Dim rId As Range, celS As Range, celT As Range
Dim wS As Worksheet, wT As Worksheet
Dim sId As String
Set wS = Worksheets("Sheet3")
Set wT = Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set celT = wT.Range("B2")
sId = InputBox("Enter ID")
If Len(sId) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set rId = wS.Range("A2:BM2210") 'start of search area
Set rId = wS.Range(rId, wS.Cells(wS.Rows.Count, rId.Column).End(xlUp)) 'rest of data
Set celS = rId.Find(sId, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , False)
If Not celS Is Nothing Then
Set celS = Intersect(wS.Columns("A:B"), celS.EntireRow) 'extract name
If Not IsEmpty(celT) Then 'find next empty cell in target sheet
Set celT = wT.Cells(wT.Rows.Count, celT.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
End If
celT.Value = celS.Value
End If