我的第一个任务很简单:找到要在屏幕上绘制的椭圆点。我用下面的方法制作了一个Ellipse类,该方法接受0到2 * PI之间的角度并返回该点。
public class Ellipse
public PointF Center { get; set; }
public float A { get; set; } /* horizontal semiaxis */
public float B { get; set; } /* vertical semiaxis */
public Ellipse(PointF center, float a, float b)
this.Center = center;
this.A = a;
this.B = b;
public PointF GetXYWhenT(float t_rad)
float x = this.Center.X + (this.A * (float)Math.Cos(t_rad));
float y = this.Center.Y + (this.B * (float)Math.Sin(t_rad));
return new PointF(x, y);
private void RunTest1()
PointF center = new PointF(0, 0);
float a = 3; /* horizontal semiaxis */
float b = 4; /* vertical semiaxis */
Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(center, a, b);
List<PointF> curve = new List<PointF>(); /* collects all points needed to draw the ellipse */
float start = 0;
float end = (float)(2 * Math.PI); /* 360 degrees */
float step = 0.0174533f; /* 1 degree */
for (float t_rad = start; t_rad <= end; t_rad += step)
PointF point = ellipse.GetXYWhenT(t_rad);
RunTest X 是我在Main中运行的方法。第一个会给我画椭圆的点。要点是正确的。 我可以通过绘制方法直观地确认椭圆被绘制到规范中,这里将不再介绍。 绘制不是问题。这里的要点是,对于t_rad的每个值,我在曲线上都有一个对应的点。
现在,在绘制椭圆后,我需要执行其他任务。为此,我需要反向处理,因为我在椭圆上取了一个任意点并将其转换回t_rad。 Math.Atan2应该可以解决问题。该方法称为GetTWhenPoint。这是MyMath类中的扩展方法。
public static class MyMath
public static float GetTWhenPoint(this PointF center, PointF point)
float x = point.X - center.X;
float y = point.Y - center.Y;
float retval = (float)Math.Atan2(y, x);
if (retval < 0)
retval += (float)(2 * Math.PI);
return retval;
private void RunTest2()
PointF center = new PointF(0, 0);
float a = 3; /* horizontal semiaxis */
float b = 4; /* vertical semiaxis */
Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(center, a, b);
string debug = "TEST 2\r\n";
float start = 0;
float end = (float)(2 * Math.PI);
float step = 0.0174533f;
for (float t_rad = start; t_rad <= end; t_rad += step)
PointF point = ellipse.GetXYWhenT(t_rad);
double t_rad2 = center.GetTWhenPoint(point);
debug += t_rad.ToString() + "\t" + t_rad2.ToString() + "\r\n";
0 0
0.0174533 0.0232692267745733
0.0349066 0.0465274415910244
0.0523599 0.0697636753320694
0.0698132 0.0929670184850693
0.0872665 0.116126760840416
6.178444 6.14392471313477
6.195897 6.1670298576355
6.21335 6.19018936157227
6.230803 6.21339273452759
6.248257 6.23662853240967
6.26571 6.25988674163818
6.283163 6.28315591812134
private void RunTest3()
PointF center = new PointF(0, 0);
float a = 4; /* horizontal semiaxis */
float b = 4; /* vertical semiaxis */
Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(center, a, b);
string debug = "TEST 3\r\n";
float start = 0;
float end = (float)(2 * Math.PI);
float step = 0.0174533f;
for (float t_rad = start; t_rad <= end; t_rad += step)
PointF point = ellipse.GetXYWhenT(t_rad);
double t_rad2 = center.GetTWhenPoint(point);
debug += t_rad.ToString() + "\t" + t_rad2.ToString() + "\r\n";
0 0
0.0174533 0.0174532998353243
0.0349066 0.0349065996706486
0.0523599 0.0523599050939083
0.0698132 0.0698131918907166
0.0872665 0.0872664898633957
6.178444 6.17844390869141
6.195897 6.19589710235596
6.21335 6.21335029602051
6.230803 6.23080348968506
6.248257 6.24825668334961
6.26571 6.26570987701416
6.283163 6.28316307067871
这告诉我的是,当我将点转换回t_rad2时,它会受到椭圆尺寸的影响。但是如何?除了椭圆相对于笛卡尔原点(0,0)的中心调整之外,GetTWhenPoint方法没有利用Ellipse类中的任何其他信息,特别是半轴。 Math.Atan2只需要该点的x和y值即可找到其与0度矢量所成的角度。这是基本的三角学。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
public class Ellipse
public PointF Center { get; set; }
public float A { get; set; } /* horizontal semiaxis */
public float B { get; set; } /* vertical semiaxis */
public Ellipse(PointF center, float a, float b)
public PointF GetXYWhenT(float t_rad)
float x = this.Center.X+(this.A*(float)Math.Cos(t_rad));
float y = this.Center.Y+(this.B*(float)Math.Sin(t_rad));
return new PointF(x, y);
public float GetParameterFromPoint(PointF point)
var x = point.X-Center.X;
var y = point.Y-Center.Y;
// Since x=a*cos(t) and y=b*sin(t), then
// tan(t) = sin(t)/cos(t) = (y/b) / (x/a)
return (float)Math.Atan2(A*y, B*x);
class Program
static readonly Random rng = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
var center = new PointF(35.5f, -12.2f);
var ellipse = new Ellipse(center, 18f, 44f);
// Get t between -π and +π
var t = (float)(2*Math.PI*rng.NextDouble()-Math.PI);
var point = ellipse.GetXYWhenT(t);
var t_check = ellipse.GetParameterFromPoint(point);
Debug.WriteLine($"t={t}, t_check={t_check}");
// t=-0.7434262, t_check=-0.7434263
x = A*Cos(2*Math.PI*t)
y = B*Sin(2*Math.PI*t)
t = Atan2(A*y, B*x)/(2*PI)
x = A*Cos(t) = R*Cos(θ) | TAN(θ) = B/A*TAN(t)
y = B*Sin(t) = R*Sin(θ) |
| R = Sqrt(B^2+(A^2-B^2)*Cos(t)^2)
R(θ) = ----------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Wraps angle between 0 and 2π
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle</param>
/// <returns>A bounded angle value</returns>
public static double WrapTo2PI(this double angle)
=> angle-(2*Math.PI)*Math.Floor(angle/(2*Math.PI));
/// <summary>
/// Wraps angle between -π and π
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle</param>
/// <returns>A bounded angle value</returns>
public static double WrapBetweenPI(this double angle)
=> angle+(2*Math.PI)*Math.Floor((Math.PI-angle)/(2*Math.PI));
/// <summary>
/// Wraps angle between 0 and 360
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle</param>
/// <returns>A bounded angle value</returns>
public static double WrapTo360(this double angle)
=> angle-360*Math.Floor(angle/360);
/// <summary>
/// Wraps angle between -180 and 180
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle</param>
/// <returns>A bounded angle value</returns>
/// <remarks>see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7271527/inconsistency-with-math-round</remarks>
public static double WrapBetween180(this double angle)
=> angle+360*Math.Floor((180-angle)/360);