
时间:2019-02-05 11:00:23

标签: zipkin

我想启动一个zipkin docker映像以与外部mysql数据库一起运行。所以我修改了贡献的docker-compose文件,如下所示: zipkin: image: openzipkin/zipkin container_name: zipkin # Environment settings are defined here https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/tree/1.19.0/zipkin-server#environment-variables environment: - STORAGE_TYPE=mysql # Point the zipkin at the storage backend - MYSQL_HOST=myhost.mycompany.de - MYSQL_DB=my_zipkin - MYSQL_USER=my_zipkin - MYSQL_PASS=xxxx # Uncomment to enable scribe # - SCRIBE_ENABLED=true # Uncomment to enable self-tracing # - SELF_TRACING_ENABLED=true # Uncomment to enable debug logging # - JAVA_OPTS=-Dlogging.level.zipkin=DEBUG -Dlogging.level.zipkin2=DEBUG ports: # Port used for the Zipkin UI and HTTP Api - 9411:9411 # Uncomment if you set SCRIBE_ENABLED=true # - 9410:9410


Attaching to zipkin zipkin | MySQL host: myhost.mycompany.de ,但我希望它能在mysql db中创建表。但是没有创建表,并且ui给了我这个错误(当然):

ERROR: cannot load service names: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: SQL [select distinct zipkin_annotations . endpoint_service_name from zipkin_annotations where ( zipkin_annotations . endpoint_service_name is not null and zipkin_annotations . endpoint_service_name <> ?)]; (conn=4132460) Table 'ecp_zipkin.zipkin_annotations' doesn't exist


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