我将高速缓存作为服务中的成员变量,并且正在创建一种通过JMX MBean公开它的方法,以便可以在运行时使用新的高速缓存到期时间拆除并重新创建vogon高速缓存:< / p>
public class CachedVogonService implements CachedVogonServiceMBean {
private LoadingCache<String, Vogon> cache;
private long expiryInSeconds;
private VogonService service;
public CachedVogonService(VogonService newService,
long newExpiryInSeconds) {
this.expiryInSeconds = newExpiryInSeconds;
this.service = newService;
this.cache = createCache(newService, newExpiryInSeconds);
private LoadingCache<String, Vogon> createCache(
VogonService newService,
long expiryInSeconds) {
return CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.refreshAfterWrite(expiryInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.build(new VogonCacheLoader(
Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), newService));
* This is the method I am exposing in JMX
public void setExpiryInSeconds(long newExpiryInSeconds) {
this.expiryInSeconds = newExpiryInSeconds;
synchronized (this.cache) {
this.cache = createCache(service, expiryInSeconds);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在同步块内使用新对象更改锁定字段之后,另一个线程可以获取新对象上的锁,并可以进入同步代码块。像这样使用同步,不提供线程之间的同步。您应该使用另一个对象进行锁定。 (例如最终的对象cacheLock = new Object())
仅出于提供信息的目的,这种用法不会阻止垃圾收集。由于此处提到的对象地址在此方法的堆栈框架内部,因此一旦该方法完成执行,堆栈框架将被破坏,并且将不保留对旧对象的引用。 (但不要像这样使用同步。)
public class SyncTest {
private Long value;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SyncTest().testLock();
public SyncTest() {
value = new Long(1);
private void testLock() {
synchronized (this.value) {
this.value = new Long(15);
private void testLock();
0 aload_0 [this]
1 getfield t1.SyncTest.value : java.lang.Long [27] // push value field to operand stack
4 dup // duplicate value field push it to operand stack
5 astore_1 // store the top of the operand stack at [1] of local variable array (which is the duplicated value field)
6 monitorenter // aquire lock on top of the operand stack
7 aload_0 [this]
8 new java.lang.Long [22]
11 dup
12 ldc2_w <Long 15> [31]
15 invokespecial java.lang.Long(long) [24]
18 putfield t1.SyncTest.value : java.lang.Long [27]
21 aload_1 // load the [1] of local variable array to the operand stack (which is the duplicated value field previously stored)
22 monitorexit // release the lock on top of the operand stack
23 goto 29
26 aload_1
27 monitorexit