
时间:2019-01-07 10:03:45

标签: hyperledger-composer

我想更新资产。为此,我想检查只有创建它的用户(在这里:issueingPhysician)可以更新它。 问题:我可以获取“ itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician”,但“ itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.userId”未定义。

为说明起见,我在代码中放入了一条错误消息(见下文),并在Composer Playground中测试了该代码。它返回:

"Error: Only the physician who issued the prescription can change it. The current participant is: 1772 But the issueing Physican has userId: undefined The Issueing Physician is:Relationship {id=org.[...].participant.Physician#1772} His name is: undefined"

结构版本为hlfv12。 出于测试目的,我授予所有参与者管理员权限。


* Update a prescription.
* @param {org.[..].UpdatePrescription} transaction
* @transaction
async function processUpdatingOfPrescription(transaction) {
     var prescriptionItemAssetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.[..].Prescription');
     var itemToUpdate = await prescriptionItemAssetRegistry.get(transaction.recordId);
     if (getCurrentParticipant().userId == itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.userId && itemToUpdate.status !== 'DELETED') {
     // [...]
     else { // only to demonstrate that it is the same user:
         throw new Error('Only the physician who issued the prescription can change it. The current participant is: ' + getCurrentParticipant().userId + 
                    ' But the issueing Physican has userId: ' + itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.userId + 'The itemToUpdate is:' + itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician)



asset Prescription identified by recordId {
  o String recordId
  o String prescribedDrug
  --> Physician issueingPhysician


participant Physician identified by userId {
  o String userId
  o String firstName
  o String lastName


transaction UpdatePrescription {
  o String recordId

我想获取“ itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.userId”的值。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

检索资产时,您必须自己“解决”关系(itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.userId)。有关更多信息,请参见答案AssetRegistry.get function is not returning the complete object in Hyperledger Composer以及相关的问题跟踪工具和status on Composer



在我的情况下,下面的“ NS”是“ org.acme”。

async function processUpdatingOfPrescription(transaction) {
     var prescriptionItemAssetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Prescription');
     var itemToUpdate = await prescriptionItemAssetRegistry.get(transaction.recordId);
     console.log('participant is ' + getCurrentParticipant().getIdentifier() );
     if (getCurrentParticipant().getIdentifier() == itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.getIdentifier() && itemToUpdate.status !== 'DELETED') {
        console.log("yes they match !! ");
     else { // only to demonstrate that it is the same user:
         throw new Error('Only the physician who issued the prescription can change it. The current participant is: ' + getCurrentParticipant().getIdentifier() + 
                    ' But the issueing Physican has userId: ' + itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician.getIdentifier() + 'The itemToUpdate is:' + itemToUpdate.issueingPhysician);