
时间:2018-12-07 02:40:34

标签: java android eclipse


    public class TextViewUndoRedo {

     * Is undo/redo being performed? This member signals if an undo/redo
     * operation is currently being performed. Changes in the text during
     * undo/redo are not recorded because it would mess up the undo history.
    private boolean mIsUndoOrRedo = false;

     * The edit history.
    private EditHistory mEditHistory;

     * The change listener.
    private EditTextChangeListener mChangeListener;

     * The edit text.
    private TextView mTextView;

    // =================================================================== //

     * Create a new TextViewUndoRedo and attach it to the specified TextView.
     * @param textView
     *            The text view for which the undo/redo is implemented.
    public TextViewUndoRedo(TextView textView) {
        mTextView = textView;
        mEditHistory = new EditHistory();
        mChangeListener = new EditTextChangeListener();

    // =================================================================== //

     * Disconnect this undo/redo from the text view.
    public void disconnect() {

     * Set the maximum history size. If size is negative, then history size is
     * only limited by the device memory.
    public void setMaxHistorySize(int maxHistorySize) {

     * Clear history.
   /* public void clearHistory() {

     * Can undo be performed?
    public boolean getCanUndo() {
        if (mEditHistory.mmPosition == 2){
        return (mEditHistory.mmPosition > 1);

     * Perform undo.
    public void undo() {
        EditItem edit = mEditHistory.getPrevious();
        if (edit == null) {

        Editable text = mTextView.getEditableText();
        int start = edit.mmStart;
        int end = start + (edit.mmAfter != null ? edit.mmAfter.length() : 0);

        mIsUndoOrRedo = true;
        text.replace(start, end, edit.mmBefore);
        mIsUndoOrRedo = false;

        // This will get rid of underlines inserted when editor tries to come
        // up with a suggestion.
        for (Object o : text.getSpans(0, text.length(), UnderlineSpan.class)) {

        Selection.setSelection(text, edit.mmBefore == null ? start
                : (start + edit.mmBefore.length()));

     * Can redo be performed?
    public boolean getCanRedo() {
        return (mEditHistory.mmPosition < mEditHistory.mmHistory.size());

     * Perform redo.
    public void redo() {
        EditItem edit = mEditHistory.getNext();
        if (edit == null) {

        Editable text = mTextView.getEditableText();
        int start = edit.mmStart;
        int end = start + (edit.mmBefore != null ? edit.mmBefore.length() : 0);

        mIsUndoOrRedo = true;
        text.replace(start, end, edit.mmAfter);
        mIsUndoOrRedo = false;

        // This will get rid of underlines inserted when editor tries to come
        // up with a suggestion.
        for (Object o : text.getSpans(0, text.length(), UnderlineSpan.class)) {

        Selection.setSelection(text, edit.mmAfter == null ? start
                : (start + edit.mmAfter.length()));

     * Store preferences.
    public void storePersistentState(Editor editor, String prefix) {
        // Store hash code of text in the editor so that we can check if the
        // editor contents has changed.
        editor.putString(prefix + ".hash",
        editor.putInt(prefix + ".maxSize", mEditHistory.mmMaxHistorySize);
        editor.putInt(prefix + ".position", mEditHistory.mmPosition);
        editor.putInt(prefix + ".size", mEditHistory.mmHistory.size());

        int i = 0;
        for (EditItem ei : mEditHistory.mmHistory) {
            String pre = prefix + "." + i;

            editor.putInt(pre + ".start", ei.mmStart);
            editor.putString(pre + ".before", ei.mmBefore.toString());
            editor.putString(pre + ".after", ei.mmAfter.toString());


     * Restore preferences.
     * @param prefix
     *            The preference key prefix used when state was stored.
     * @return did restore succeed? If this is false, the undo history will be
     *         empty.
    public boolean restorePersistentState(SharedPreferences sp, String prefix)
            throws IllegalStateException {

        boolean ok = doRestorePersistentState(sp, prefix);
        if (!ok) {

        return ok;

    private boolean doRestorePersistentState(SharedPreferences sp, String prefix) {

        String hash = sp.getString(prefix + ".hash", null);
        if (hash == null) {
            // No state to be restored.
            return true;

        if (Integer.valueOf(hash) != mTextView.getText().toString().hashCode()) {
            return false;

        mEditHistory.mmMaxHistorySize = sp.getInt(prefix + ".maxSize", -1);

        int count = sp.getInt(prefix + ".size", -1);
        if (count == -1) {
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            String pre = prefix + "." + i;

            int start = sp.getInt(pre + ".start", -1);
            String before = sp.getString(pre + ".before", null);
            String after = sp.getString(pre + ".after", null);

            if (start == -1 || before == null || after == null) {
                return false;
            mEditHistory.add(new EditItem(start, before, after));

        mEditHistory.mmPosition = sp.getInt(prefix + ".position", -1);
        if (mEditHistory.mmPosition == -1) {
            return false;

        return true;

    // =================================================================== //

     * Keeps track of all the edit history of a text.
    private final class EditHistory {

         * The position from which an EditItem will be retrieved when getNext()
         * is called. If getPrevious() has not been called, this has the same
         * value as mmHistory.size().
        private int mmPosition = 0;

         * Maximum undo history size.
        private int mmMaxHistorySize = -1;

         * The list of edits in chronological order.
        private final LinkedList<EditItem> mmHistory = new LinkedList<EditItem>();

         * Clear history.
        private void clear() {
            mmPosition = 0;

         * Adds a new edit operation to the history at the current position. If
         * executed after a call to getPrevious() removes all the future history
         * (elements with positions >= current history position).
        private void add(EditItem item) {
            while (mmHistory.size() > mmPosition) {

            if (mmMaxHistorySize >= 0) {

         * Set the maximum history size. If size is negative, then history size
         * is only limited by the device memory.
        private void setMaxHistorySize(int maxHistorySize) {
            mmMaxHistorySize = maxHistorySize;
            if (mmMaxHistorySize >= 0) {

         * Trim history when it exceeds max history size.
        private void trimHistory() {
            while (mmHistory.size() > mmMaxHistorySize) {

            if (mmPosition < 0) {
                mmPosition = 0;

         * Traverses the history backward by one position, returns and item at
         * that position.
        private EditItem getPrevious() {
            if (mmPosition == 0) {
                Log.d("Tag", "all restored");
                return null;
            Log.d("Tag", "restoring");
            return mmHistory.get(mmPosition);

         * Traverses the history forward by one position, returns and item at
         * that position.
        private EditItem getNext() {
            if (mmPosition >= mmHistory.size()) {
                return null;

            EditItem item = mmHistory.get(mmPosition);
            return item;

     * Represents the changes performed by a single edit operation.
    private final class EditItem {
        private final int mmStart;
        private final CharSequence mmBefore;
        private final CharSequence mmAfter;

         * Constructs EditItem of a modification that was applied at position
         * start and replaced CharSequence before with CharSequence after.
        public EditItem(int start, CharSequence before, CharSequence after) {
            mmStart = start;
            mmBefore = before;
            mmAfter = after;

     * Class that listens to changes in the text.
    private final class EditTextChangeListener implements TextWatcher {

         * The text that will be removed by the change event.
        private CharSequence mBeforeChange;

         * The text that was inserted by the change event.
        private CharSequence mAfterChange;

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
                                      int after) {
            if (mIsUndoOrRedo) {

            mBeforeChange = s.subSequence(start, start + count);

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
            if (mIsUndoOrRedo) {

            mAfterChange = s.subSequence(start, start + count);
            mEditHistory.add(new EditItem(start, mBeforeChange, mAfterChange));

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {


case R.id.undo:
if (mTextViewUndoRedo.getCanUndo())

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