
时间:2018-11-23 07:14:43

标签: applescript


tell application "Transmit"

    set SuppressAppleScriptAlerts to true

    set Favourite to item 1 of (favorites whose name is "Auto-Sync")

set myRules to (skip rules whose enabled is true)

tell current tab of (make new document at end with properties {name:"ActiveAutoSync"})

    connect to Favourite

    refresh remote browser
    refresh local browser

    tell remote browser

        if exists "__AutoCollected" then
            create folder named "__AutoCollected"

        end if

    end tell

    repeat while (exists document "ActiveAutoSync" of application "Transmit")

        with timeout of 3600 seconds
            synchronize remote browser to local browser using skip rules myRules with compare using size and follow symlinks
        end timeout

        set folderName to ("__AutoCollected")
        tell remote browser
            set theFiles to (the name of every browser item whose item type is file item)
            repeat with thisFile in theFiles
                move (file whose name is thisFile) to folder whose name is folderName
            end repeat
        end tell

        delay 30

    end repeat

    end tell

end tell

一切都会运行文件,直到我点击 move 行。我尝试了数组的各种组合,将其设置为字符串,别名等,但是每次它都是一个不同的错误-主要是


无法获取名称为{\“ file1.JPG \”,\“ file2.JPG \”,   \“ file3.JPG \”



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