' chart size - adjust as desired
' set one or both to zero to use dimensions of active chart
' (or first chart if no chart is active)
Const nRowsTall As Long = 0
Const nColsWide As Long = 0
' chart layout - adjust as desired
Const nChartsPerRow As Long = 3
Const nSkipRows As Long = 2
Const nSkipCols As Long = 1
Const nFirstRow As Long = 1
Const nFirstCol As Long = 1
Dim iChart As Long
Dim chtob As ChartObject
Dim dWidth As Double
Dim dHeight As Double
Dim rData As Range
Dim dFirstChartTop As Double
Dim dFirstChartLeft As Double
Dim dRowsBetweenChart As Double
Dim dColsBetweenChart As Double
If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
With ActiveSheet.Cells(nFirstRow, nFirstCol)
If nRowsTall * nColsWide > 0 Then
dWidth = nColsWide * .Width
dHeight = nRowsTall * .Height
If Not ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
Set chtob = ActiveChart.Parent
Set chtob = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
End If
dWidth = chtob.Width
dHeight = chtob.Height
End If
dFirstChartLeft = .Left
dFirstChartTop = .Top
dRowsBetweenChart = nSkipRows * .Height
dColsBetweenChart = nSkipCols * .Width
End With
For iChart = 1 To ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
Set chtob = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(iChart)
With chtob
.Left = ((iChart - 1) Mod nChartsPerRow) * _
(dWidth + dColsBetweenChart) + dFirstChartLeft
.Top = Int((iChart - 1) / nChartsPerRow) * _
(dHeight + dRowsBetweenChart) + dFirstChartTop
.Width = dWidth
.Height = dHeight
End With
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
它遍历所有图表,获取标题并检查标题是否已在字典中。如果是,它将获得具有相同标题的前一个图表的位置,并将逻辑列增加1。如果不是,则将新的逻辑行添加到字典中(其中row =字典的大小,col = 0)。 / p>
通过使用逻辑位置乘以某些常数来计算forecast1<-ts(lapply(arima, function(x) forecast(auto.arima(x), level=95)))
您需要一个对象类型来保持逻辑位置,因此添加一个名为Sub sortChartsByTitle()
Const startX = 50 ' Left margin
Const startY = 50 ' Top margin
Const deltaX = 400
Const deltay = 260
Dim chartTitleList As Dictionary, co As ChartObject
Dim chartPos As cPos
Set chartTitleList = New Dictionary
For Each co In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Dim title As String
title = ""
If co.Chart.HasTitle Then
title = co.Chart.ChartTitle.Text ' Get ChartTitle (if any)
End If
If title = "" Then
title = "(no title)" ' Set a default if chart has no title or title is empty
End If
If chartTitleList.Exists(title) Then
' There was already one chart with same title.
Set chartPos = chartTitleList(title) ' Get logical position
chartPos.col = chartPos.col + 1 ' Jump one to the left
Set chartTitleList(title) = chartPos ' Remember thus new position
Set chartPos = New cPos ' Create a new logical position
chartPos.row = chartTitleList.Count ' Row = size of dictionary
chartPos.col = 0 ' Col = 0
Call chartTitleList.Add(title, chartPos) ' Add to Dictionary
End If
' Position chart
co.Left = startX + chartPos.col * deltaX
co.Top = startY + chartPos.row * deltay
Next co
End Sub