
时间:2018-09-26 06:29:54

标签: javascript


var _poly = document.getElementById('pol'); //triangular polygon element

var y1 = 0; // y coordinates for each point of _poly.
var y2 = 375;
var y3 = 375;

var xPTS = [];
/*the following for loop pushes corresponding x coordinates 
                  for each y coordinate into this variable.*/

for (var i = 0; i < _poly.animatedPoints.length; i++) {



/*The purpose of the following return function `xVar` is to assign the 
appropriate value for x to each of their respective y coordinates. Each x 
variable will switch from one return function to the other as they cross 
each verticle halves of the svg element.*/
var xVar = function(x, y) {

  if (x >= 250 && y !== 500) {

    return () => {

      return (Math.sqrt(62500 - Math.pow(y - 250, 2)) + 250).toString() + ",";


  } else {

    return () => {

      return (250 - Math.sqrt(62500 - Math.pow(y - 250, 2))).toString() + ",";




/*variables `x1`, `x2`, and `x3` are assigned to appropriate values as per 
the y argument in function `xVar`.*/
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

  window["x" + (i + 1).toString()] = xVar(xPTS[i], window["y" + (i + 1).toString()]);


/*`coordF` when constantly invoked in `tFunc` is meant to constantly update 
and keep track of the polygon element's x,y coordinates.*/
var coordF = function() {

  coords = [_poly.animatedPoints[0].x.toString() + "," +
    _poly.animatedPoints[0].y.toString() + " ",
    _poly.animatedPoints[1].x.toString() + "," +
    _poly.animatedPoints[1].y.toString() + " ",
    _poly.animatedPoints[2].x.toString() + "," +

coordF(); //invoked so coords is accessible. 

//main function
var tFunc = function(x, y, c) {

  /*`ticks` is assigned on the condition evaluated for verifying which 
        verticle half a point of the polygon is located.*/
  ticks = (x >= 250 && y !== 500) ? function(_x, _y) {
    /*note: this is 
                                                   where the error incurs*/

    /*each point is meant to travel x2 as fast as from ranges 0-125 and 375-500 down and up the y-axis when each y coordinate is in the following range: 125-375 so as for the polygon to remain an equilateral triangle.*/
    if (_y >= 125 && _y <= 375) {

      _y += 2;
      return _x() + _y.toString();

    } else {

      _y += 1;
      return _x() + _y.toString();


  } : function(_x, _y) {

    if (_y >= 125 && _y <= 375) {

      _y -= 2;
      return _x() + _y.toString();

    } else {

      _y -= 1;
      return _x() + y.toString();



  tick_tocks = setInterval(function() {

    /*`coords` is constantly updated so as to utilize each item of `coords` as an argument for c so `_poly`'s `points` attribute can constantly be assigned the value to render the triangular polygon element equilateral as it spins.*/

    //`c` argument is evaluated to verify which item of the `coords` array is passed.
    switch (c) {

      /*As each y coordinate changes via `ticks` function, each x coordinate changes correspondingly*/
      case c[0]:
        _poly.setAttribute("points", ticks(x1, y1) + " " + c[1] + c[2]);

      case c[1]:
        _poly.setAttribute("points", c[0] + ticks(x2, y2) + " " + c[2]);

      case c[2]:
        _poly.setAttribute("points", c[0] + c[1] + ticks(x3, y3));


  }, 100);

  //alternate functions are assigned when the following boolean expression is true.
  if (y === 0 || y === 500) {


    //x variables are assigned to alternate functions defined in `xVar`.
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

      window["x" + (i + 1).toString()] =
        xVar(xPTS[i], window["y" + (i + 1).toString()]);


    /*`tFunc` is invoked 3 times with 3 different sets of arguments. `x` is the x coordinate, `y` is the y coordinate, and `c` is an item of the `coords` array.*/
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

      tFunc(window["x" + (i + 1).toString()], window["y" + (i + 1).toString()], coords[i]);




/*`tFunc` is invoked 3 times with 3 different sets of arguments. `x` is the x coordinate, `y` is the y coordinate, and `c` is an item of the `coords` array.*/
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

  tFunc(window["x" + (i + 1).toString()], window["y" + (i + 1).toString()], coords[i]);

<svg width=500 height=500 style="border:1px solid black;display:block;margin:auto;">
    <polygon id="pol" stroke="black" stroke-width=3 fill="green" points="250,0 466.50635094610965,375 33.49364905389035,375"/>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

如果您需要非js解决方案,则可以尝试通过css3 transform属性以及animation, @keyframe等的使用来旋转它:

  animation: polyRotation 8s linear infinite;

@keyframes polyRotation {
  0% {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  100% {
    transform: rotate(360deg);
<svg id="triangle" width=500 height=500 style="border:1px solid black;display:block;margin:auto;">
    <polygon id="pol" stroke="black" stroke-width=3 fill="green" points="250,0 466.50635094610965,375 33.49364905389035,375"/>