
时间:2018-08-28 08:09:22

标签: xml xslt xsl-fo apache-fop

遇到以下问题时,我正在使用xsl:fo使用apache FOP生成pdf:

xsl:use-attribute-sets="btInfo mt10pt mb10pt">
<fo:block text-align="left" linefeed-treatment="preserve">
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><xsl:value-of
select="BankDetails" />

其中bankDetails是一个变量,其中包含带有html标签的整个文本段落。 当我按原样打印时,它按原样显示html标签(例如<p>, <br>, <ul><li>等),而不保留格式。



<ul style="list-style-position: inside;">
<li>Relying on provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, Justice R Devdas noted that as per section 147(2), the maximum liability in respect of damages caused to any third party was Rs 6,000, and that the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal (MACT),&nbsp;</li>
<li>Bengaluru hadn’t taken into account relevant factors before awarding Rs 75,000 as compensation.</li>
<li>Suhas R Reddy’s car had suffered extensive damage after it collided with the bus on March 9, 2009. Suhas claimed compensation under ‘own damages’ from his vehicle’s insurer, Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance, and was paid Rs 1,18,420.</li>

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