
时间:2018-04-29 07:36:28

标签: r dataframe filter

我总是遇到循环问题所以我在这里问。 2个数据帧。 1个非常大,1个小得多。以下示例版本。

Dataframe 1

ID        Value
1         apples
1         apples
1         bananas
1         grapes
1         mangoes
1         oranges
1         grapes
1         apples
1         grapes
2         apples
2         apples
2         passionfruits
2         bananas
2         apples
2         apples
2         passionfruits
2         grapes
2         mangoes
2         apples
3         apples
3         bananas
3         oranges
3         apples
3         grapes
3         grapes
3         passionfruits
3         passionfruits
3         oranges
4         apples
4         oranges
4         mangoes
4         bananas
4         grapes
4         grapes
4         grapes
4         apples
4         oranges
4         grapes
4         mangoes
4         mangoes
4         apples
4         oranges
5         passionfruits
5         apples
5         oranges
5         oranges
5         mangoes
5         grapes
5         apples
5         bananas

Dataframe 2


数据帧1中的不同ID被视为集合。数据帧2的整体将与其中一个集合近似或完全匹配。我知道有足够的代码可以使用整个数据帧2进行过滤以匹配1. 但这不是我要求的。我要求它在附加条件的情况下依次按值过滤。条件应该是前一个值是否匹配。

所以在这个示例中,第一个值没有任何反应,因为所有ID都有'apples'。第二个值='apples',前一个值='apples'过滤掉ID = 4,因为它不包含连续出现两次的'apples'。现在在过滤的数据帧1中,我们搜索第三个值,依此类推。只有当1 ID设置保留在Dataframe 1中时才会停止。所以在这种情况下,在第3次迭代之后。结果应该是

Dataframe 1

ID        Value
1         apples
1         apples
1         bananas
1         grapes
1         mangoes
1         oranges
1         grapes
1         apples
1         grapes

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用indexer { } searchd { listen = log = /home/myapp/log/development.searchd.log query_log = /home/myapp/log/development.searchd.query.log pid_file = /home/myapp/log/development.sphinx.pid workers = threads binlog_path = /home/myapp/tmp/binlog/development } index game_core { type = rt path = /home/myapp/db/sphinx/development/game_core docinfo = extern rt_field = sphinx_internal_class_name rt_field = name rt_field = summary rt_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted rt_attr_bigint = sphinx_internal_id rt_attr_timestamp = created_at rt_attr_timestamp = updated_at rt_attr_string = sphinx_internal_class rt_attr_string = name_sort } index lesson_core { type = rt path = /home/myapp/db/sphinx/development/lesson_core docinfo = extern rt_field = sphinx_internal_class_name rt_field = name rt_field = purpose rt_field = meta rt_field = supplies rt_field = activity rt_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted rt_attr_bigint = sphinx_internal_id rt_attr_timestamp = created_at rt_attr_timestamp = updated_at rt_attr_string = sphinx_internal_class rt_attr_string = name_sort } index protocol_core { type = rt path = /home/myapp/db/sphinx/development/protocol_core docinfo = extern rt_field = sphinx_internal_class_name rt_field = name rt_field = description rt_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted rt_attr_bigint = sphinx_internal_id rt_attr_timestamp = created_at rt_attr_timestamp = updated_at rt_attr_string = sphinx_internal_class rt_attr_string = name_sort } index resource_page_core { type = rt path = /home/myapp/db/sphinx/development/resource_page_core docinfo = extern rt_field = sphinx_internal_class_name rt_field = header rt_field = content rt_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted rt_attr_bigint = sphinx_internal_id rt_attr_timestamp = created_at rt_attr_timestamp = updated_at rt_attr_string = sphinx_internal_class rt_attr_string = header_sort } index game { type = distributed local = game_core } index lesson { type = distributed local = lesson_core } index protocol { type = distributed local = protocol_core } index resource_page { type = distributed local = resource_page_core } 的可能方法(根据我的回答here改编):



# load packages

# create a function which calculates match-score with 'df2$Value'
maxscore <- function(x, y) {
  m <- mapply('==', shift(x, type = 'lead', n = 0:(length(y) - 1)), y)
  max(rowSums(m, na.rm = TRUE))

# calculate the match-score for each group
# and filter out the other groups
setDT(df1)[, score := maxscore(Value, df2$Value), by = ID
           ][score == max(score)][, score := NULL][]

您也可以在 ID Value 1: 1 apples 2: 1 apples 3: 1 bananas 4: 1 grapes 5: 1 mangoes 6: 1 oranges 7: 1 grapes 8: 1 apples 9: 1 grapes - 链中使用该功能(但您仍然需要dplyr - data.table - 函数包...:


library(dplyr) df1 %>% group_by(ID) %>% mutate(m = maxscore(Value, df2$Value)) %>% ungroup() %>% filter(m == max(m)) %>% select(-m) - 函数的另一种实现(受@ doscendo的回答here启发):


答案 1 :(得分:0)



# This function matches and count tokens separated by `#`
# matched_count ("a#b#c","a#e#c#d")  will return 1
matched_count <- function(x, y){
  x_v <- strsplit(x, split = "#")[[1]]
  y_v <- strsplit(y, split = "#")[[1]]
  max_len <- max(length(x_v), length(y_v))
  length(x_v) <- max_len
  length(y_v) <- max_len
  sum(x_v==y_v,na.rm = TRUE)

Dataframe1 %>% group_by(ID) %>%
  mutate(CompStr = paste0(Value, collapse="#")) %>% #collapse values for ID
  mutate(CompStrdf2 = paste0(Dataframe2$Value, collapse="#")) %>% 
  mutate(max_match = matched_count(CompStr, CompStrdf2)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(max_match == max(max_match)) %>%
  select(ID, Value)

# ID Value  
# <int> <chr>  
# 1     1 apples 
# 2     1 apples 
# 3     1 bananas
# 4     1 grapes 
# 5     1 mangoes
# 6     1 oranges
# 7     1 grapes 
# 8     1 apples 
# 9     1 grapes 

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我建议将每个组中的Values转换为字符串并比较它们的字符串编辑距离。 adist - 计算字符向量之间的近似字符串距离。该距离是一个广义的Levenshtein(编辑)距离,给出了将一个字符串转换为另一个字符串所需的插入,删除和替换的最小可能加权数。

string_edit_dist <- function(vec1, vec2) {
    c(adist(paste0(vec1, collapse=""), paste0(vec2, collapse="")))

ind <- which.min(sapply(seq_along(unique(df1$ID)), function(i) string_edit_dist(df1$Value[df1$ID==i], df2$Value)))
df1[df1$ID==ind, ]

  # ID   Value
# 1  1  apples
# 2  1  apples
# 3  1 bananas
# 4  1  grapes
# 5  1 mangoes
# 6  1 oranges
# 7  1  grapes
# 8  1  apples
# 9  1  grapes


sapply(seq_along(unique(df1$ID)), function(i) string_edit_dist(df1$Value[df1$ID==i], df2$Value))
# 7 35 45 46 27