使用补丁添加OverflowError副作用 - Python

时间:2018-04-13 12:40:39

标签: python unit-testing exception mocking patch

我想模仿OverflowError因为我想测试变量的值是在引发异常之后。但是,我不知道如何使用我正在使用的库复制OverflowError。我在此特定测试中使用的库pysolar.solar具体为get_altitudeget_azimuthradiation methods


我正在测试的代码 sunposition.py

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pysolar.solar import get_altitude, get_azimuth, radiation as radiation_module

def sun_position(lat: float, lon: float, time: pd.Timestamp = None) -> List[float]:

    if time is None:
    time = pd.Timestamp.now(tz='UTC')

    dt = time.to_pydatetime()

    altitude = get_altitude(lat, lon, dt)
    azimuth = get_azimuth(lat, lon, dt)

        radiation = radiation_module.get_radiation_direct(dt, altitude)
    except OverflowError:
        radiation = np.nan

    return pd.Series([altitude, azimuth, radiation], index=['Alt', 'Azi', 'Rad'])


"""Test sunposition module"""
import unittest
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, Mock

from bigfolder.sun import sunposition

class TestSunposition(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test functions in sunposition."""

def test_sun_position_overflow_error(self):

    error_lat = 23
    error_lon = 12
    error_time = pd.Timestamp('2007-02-18 15:13:05', tz="UTC")

    mock_args = {'side_effect': OverflowError}
    with patch('bigfolder.sun.sunposition.sun_position', **mock_args):
        # run the test

        self.assertRaises(OverflowError,  sunposition.sun_position(lat=error_lat, lon=error_lon, time=error_time))

if __name__ == '__main__':

我原本以为它会给我和OverFlow错误...而且确实如此,但是我的断言无论如何都出现了 OverflowError 我的猜测是我修错了地方?无论错误何时仍为OverFlow Error



_mock_self = <MagicMock name='sun_position' id='102333856'>, args = ()
kwargs = {'lat': 23, 'lon': 12, 'time': Timestamp('2007-02-18 15:13:05+0000', tz='UTC')}
self = <MagicMock name='sun_position' id='102333856'>, _new_name = ''
_new_parent = None
_call = call(lat=23, lon=12, time=Timestamp('2007-02-18 15:13:05+0000', tz='UTC'))
seen = set(), skip_next_dot = False, do_method_calls = False
name = 'sun_position'

    def _mock_call(_mock_self, *args, **kwargs):
        self = _mock_self
        self.called = True
        self.call_count += 1
        _new_name = self._mock_new_name
        _new_parent = self._mock_new_parent

        _call = _Call((args, kwargs), two=True)
        self.call_args = _call
        self.mock_calls.append(_Call(('', args, kwargs)))

        seen = set()
        skip_next_dot = _new_name == '()'
        do_method_calls = self._mock_parent is not None
        name = self._mock_name
        while _new_parent is not None:
            this_mock_call = _Call((_new_name, args, kwargs))
            if _new_parent._mock_new_name:
                dot = '.'
                if skip_next_dot:
                    dot = ''

                skip_next_dot = False
                if _new_parent._mock_new_name == '()':
                    skip_next_dot = True

                _new_name = _new_parent._mock_new_name + dot + _new_name

            if do_method_calls:
                if _new_name == name:
                    this_method_call = this_mock_call
                    this_method_call = _Call((name, args, kwargs))

                do_method_calls = _new_parent._mock_parent is not None
                if do_method_calls:
                    name = _new_parent._mock_name + '.' + name

            _new_parent = _new_parent._mock_new_parent

            # use ids here so as not to call __hash__ on the mocks
            _new_parent_id = id(_new_parent)
            if _new_parent_id in seen:

        ret_val = DEFAULT
        effect = self.side_effect
        if effect is not None:
            if _is_exception(effect):
>               raise effect
E               OverflowError

那么我认为我必须在错误的地方打补丁并且比我应该更早地介绍副作用?所以我改为在try块中修改方法。 这是我的以下代码。

def test_sun_position_overflow_error(self):

    error_lat = 23
    error_lon = 12
    error_time = pd.Timestamp('2007-02-18 15:13:05', tz="UTC")

    mock_args = {'side_effect': OverflowError}
    with patch('bigfolder.sun.sunposition.sun_position.radiation_module.get_radiation_direct', **mock_args):
    # run the test

    self.assertRaises(OverflowError,  sunposition.sun_position(lat=error_lat, lon=error_lon, time=error_time))

现在我的错误是&#34; ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bigfolder.sun.sunposition.sun_position'; 'bigfolder.sun.sunposition' is not a package&#34;






def test_sun_position_overflow_error(self):
    lat = 23
    lon = 12
    time = pd.Timestamp('2007-02-18 15:13:05', tz="UTC")

    # get_radiation_direct will now produce an OverFlowError(regardless of coordinates)
    mock_args = {'side_effect': OverflowError}
    # mock get_radiation_direct and produce OverFlowError
    with patch('pysolar.solar.radiation.get_radiation_direct', **mock_args):
        # Check radiation column is nan value
        assert math.isnan(sunposition.sun_position(lat=lat, lon=lon, time=time)[2])

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



几乎就在那里。通往var count = 0; document.getElementById("word-checker").onclick = function () { // use count here // ... } 的正确方法:


查看文档后,如何在def test_sun_position_overflow_error(self): # This has to be here first and without func call with self.assertRaises(OverflowError): # patch the function to have an exception no matter what mock_args = {'side_effect': OverflowError} with patch('bigfolder.sun.sunposition.sun_position', **mock_args): # call this func to trigger an exception sunposition.sun_position(lat=error_lat, lon=error_lon, time=error_time)


assertRaises(例外,可调用,* args,** kwds)


有趣(* args,** kwds)引发了exc




self.assertRaises(OverflowError,  sunposition.sun_position(lat=error_lat, lon=error_lon, time=error_time))