trait InfluxReader[T] {
def read(js: JsArray): T
object InfluxFormatter {
* Generate InfluxReader for type ${A}
def reader[A]: InfluxReader[A] = macro InfluxFormatterImpl.reader_impl[A]
private[macros] object InfluxFormatterImpl {
* Generate AST for current type at compile time.
* @tparam T - Type parameter for whom will be generated AST
def reader_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.universe.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = c.weakTypeOf[T]
val methods = tpe.decls.toList collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor =>
m.name.decodedName.toString -> m.returnType.dealias
if (methods.lengthCompare(1) < 0) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Type parameter must be a case class with more then 1 fields")
val bool = typeOf[Boolean].dealias
val int = typeOf[Int].dealias
val long = typeOf[Long].dealias
val double = typeOf[Double].dealias
val string = typeOf[String].dealias
val params = methods
.map(v => TermName(v))
.map(v => q"$v = $v")
val jsParams = methods
.sortBy(_._1) // influx return results in alphabetical order
.map { case (k, v) => TermName(k) -> v }
.map {
case (name, `bool`) => q"JsBoolean($name)"
case (name, `string`) => q"JsString($name)"
case (name, `int`) => q"JsNumber($name)"
case (name, `long`) => q"JsNumber($name)"
case (name, `double`) => q"JsNumber($name)"
case (_, other) => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Unknown type $other")
val failureMsg = s"Can't deserialize $tpe object"
val result = q"""
new InfluxReader[$tpe] {
def read(js: JsArray): $tpe = js.elements.tail match {
case Vector(..$jsParams) => new $tpe(..$params)
case _ => throw DeserializationException($failureMsg)
import com.github.fsanaulla.core.model._
import com.github.fsanaulla.core.utils._
import com.github.fsanaulla.macros.InfluxFormatter
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import spray.json._
class MacroReaderSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"Macros" should "generate reader" in {
case class Test(name: String, age: Int)
val rd: InfluxReader[Test] = InfluxFormatter.reader[Test]
rd.read(JsArray(JsNumber(234324), JsNumber(4), JsString("Fz"))) shouldEqual Test("Fz", 4)
Error:(14, 36) not found: value age
val rd = InfluxFormatter.reader[Test]
Error:(14, 36) not found: value name
val rd = InfluxFormatter.reader[Test]
Warning:scalac: {
final class $anon extends InfluxReader[Test] {
def <init>() = {
def read(js: JsArray): Test = js.elements.tail match {
case Vector(JsNumber(age), JsString(name)) => new Test(age = age, name = name)
case _ => throw DeserializationException("Can\'t deserialize Test object")
new $anon()
case Vector(JsNumber(age), JsString(name)) => new Test(age = age, name = name)
为什么找不到它?我认为它无法将其识别为模式匹配的表达式,也无法调用提取器。如果是,如何改变它?也许它以某种方式将其称为分数? 我正在使用scala 2.12.4。 Sbt 1.1.0。 可以找到源代码here