
时间:2018-03-05 21:13:23

标签: nginx lua openresty

问题:我们的NGINX实现具有几种不同操作类型的基本位置,例如: / analytics,/ topology,...;并且每个都有自己的 access_by_lua_file ,它会打开传入的令牌,其中包含一些必须经过验证和处理的内容,包括一个新的右侧路径,包含自己的证书,密钥和ca.我们遇到的问题似乎是没有办法对 proxy_ssl_certificate proxy_ssl_certificate_key proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate 变量进行通配符,因为它们需要静态文件路径。



  1. Nginx需要在开始时加载整个SSL服务器配置 时间,因此当证书或密钥没有时会抛出错误 存在。
  2. Nginx SSL配置解析器不会扩展用户定义 变量因此需要相对或绝对路径。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下是我在其中一个OpenResty模块中使用的一系列SSL API调用。

> bases=c('A','T','G','C')
> expand.grid(bases, bases, bases)
   Var1 Var2 Var3
1     A    A    A
2     T    A    A
3     G    A    A
4     C    A    A
5     A    T    A
6     T    T    A
7     G    T    A
8     C    T    A
9     A    G    A
10    T    G    A
11    G    G    A
12    C    G    A
13    A    C    A
14    T    C    A
15    G    C    A
16    C    C    A
17    A    A    T
18    T    A    T
19    G    A    T
20    C    A    T
21    A    T    T
22    T    T    T
23    G    T    T
24    C    T    T
25    A    G    T
26    T    G    T
27    G    G    T
28    C    G    T
29    A    C    T
30    T    C    T
31    G    C    T
32    C    C    T
33    A    A    G
34    T    A    G
35    G    A    G
36    C    A    G
37    A    T    G
38    T    T    G
39    G    T    G
40    C    T    G
41    A    G    G
42    T    G    G
43    G    G    G
44    C    G    G
45    A    C    G
46    T    C    G
47    G    C    G
48    C    C    G
49    A    A    C
50    T    A    C
51    G    A    C
52    C    A    C
53    A    T    C
54    T    T    C
55    G    T    C
56    C    T    C
57    A    G    C
58    T    G    C
59    G    G    C
60    C    G    C
61    A    C    C
62    T    C    C
63    G    C    C
64    C    C    C



答案 1 :(得分:0)


if cert ~= nil and key ~= nil then

    -- clear the fallback certificates and private keys that are statically
    -- set by the ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key in proxy.conf
    -- directives
    ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'Clearing fallback certificates');
    local ok, err = ssl.clear_certs()
    if not ok then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to clear existing (fallback) certificates")
        return ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR)

    ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'Convert private key pem to DER format');
    -- key already contains the private key as provided in token
    local client_key, err = ssl.priv_key_pem_to_der(key);
    if not client_key then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to convert PEM priv key to DER: ", err)

    ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'Set private key DER');
    ok, err = ssl.set_der_priv_key(client_key)
    if not ok then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to set DER priv key: ", err)

    ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'Convert certificate pem to DER format');
    -- cert already contains the private key as provided in token
    local client_cert, err = ssl.cert_pem_to_der(cert);
    if not client_cert then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to convert PEM cert to DER: ", err)

    ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'Set certificate DER');
    ok, err = ssl.set_der_cert(client_cert)
    if not ok then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to set DER cert: ", err)

ngx.log(ngx.INFO, 'Passing request to: ',


2018/03/06 13:55:31 [debug] 31#0: *12 [lua] analytics_access.lua:270: Clearing fallback certificates
2018/03/06 13:55:31 [debug] 31#0: *12 [lua] analytics_access.lua:277: Convert private key pem to DER format
2018/03/06 13:55:31 [debug] 31#0: *12 [lua] analytics_access.lua:285: Set private key DER
2018/03/06 13:55:31 [debug] 31#0: *12 [lua] analytics_access.lua:292: Convert certificate pem to DER format
2018/03/06 13:55:31 [debug] 31#0: *12 [lua] analytics_access.lua:300: Set certificate DER
2018/03/06 13:55:31 [info] 31#0: *12 [lua] analytics_access.lua:309: Passing request to: https://blah blah...

在控制台上: 400错误请求 未发送所需的SSL证书