
时间:2011-02-05 14:36:15

标签: php authentication

当我尝试登录时,它没有进行身份验证 - 我没有返回任何错误。用户名和密码在代码中(用户名和密码在PHP代码中未保存在数据库中)。


/* This is the location of the file and will be used as the baseline for all
of my files writing of code within php. */

/*require files for application */

define( 'ABSOLUTE_PATH ', '../public_html/cit0215/assignment2/' );

/*This will define my index.php file */
define('URL_ROOT ', '');

/*functions that validate logins */

function validateLogin($emailaddress='', $password='') {
/*Initialized the Variable from the original from the form */
    $email_key = '';
    $password_key = '1234'; 
    $auth_match = 0;

    /*This is the first If statement the test username and password*/
    if ($emailaddress == $email_key && $password == $password_key) {

    /*this is what ensure the username and password are correct*/   
    return $auth_match;

function sanitize($form_var){
    $clean_data = strtolower(trim($form_var));
    return $clean_data;

/*Authticate the status of logins*/
$auth_status =0;

/*Determine if the form data was submitted*/
if (array_key_exists('submit', $_POST)){
    /*this removes left over data*/
    $emailaddress = sanitize($_POST['emailaddress']);
    $password = sanitize($_POST['password']);

    /*verify form data*/
    $auth_status = validateLogin($emailaddress, $password);

    if($auth_status == 1){
        /*successful logon*/

        echo '<h3>Welcome Back, Betty!...  Your not ugly after all</h3>' . "\n\n";
    echo  '<ul>' . "\n";
    echo "\t" . '<li><a href"' . URL_ROOT . 'onlinebanking" title="Online 

Banking">On Line Banking</a> </li>' . "\n\n";
    echo '</u>';

    elseif($auth_status == 0); {
        /*authentication has failed*/
    echo '<h4>Authentication error please try again! </h4>' . "\n\n";
    echo '<p> Please make sure that the "Numbers lock" or "Caps Lock" is not 

on and re-type your password.</p>'; 


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


elseif($auth_status == 0); {
echo '<h4>Authentication error please try again! </h4>' . "\n\n";


if ($auth_status) {
    echo '<h3>Welcome Back, Betty!</h3>';
} else { // or elseif (!$auth_status) { // <-- no semi-colon
    echo '<h4>Authentication error please try again! </h4>' . "\n\n";

答案 1 :(得分:1)


    /* This is the locaiton of the file and will be */
    /*used as the baseline for all of my files writing */
    /*of code within php. */
    /*require files for application */


    define( 'ABSOLUTE_PATH ', '../public_html/cit0215/assignment2/' );

    /*This will define my index.php file */
    define( 'URL_ROOT ', '');

    /*functions that validate logins */
    function validateLogin($emailaddress='', $password='') {
        /*Initialized the Variable from the original from the form */
        $email_key = '';
        $password_key = '1234'; 
        $auth_match =0;
        /*This is the first If statement the test username and password*/
        if($emailaddress == $email_key && $password == $password_key) {

        /*this is what ensure the username and password are correct*/   
        return $auth_match;

    function sanitize($form_var){
        $clean_data = strtolower(trim($form_var));
        return $clean_data;

    /*Authticate the status of logins*/
    $auth_status =0;

    /*Determine if the form data was submitted*/
    if (array_key_exists('submit', $_POST)){
        /*this removes left over data*/
        $emailaddress = sanitize($_POST['emailaddress']);
        $password = sanitize($_POST['password']);
        /*verify form data*/
        $auth_status = validateLogin($emailaddress, $password);


        if($auth_status == 1){
            /*successful logon*/
            echo '<h3>Welcome Back, Betty!...  Your not ugly after all</h3>' . "\n\n";
            echo  '<ul>' . "\n";
            echo "\t" . '<li><a href"' . URL_ROOT . 'onlinebanking" title="Online Banking">On Line Banking</a> </li>' . "\n\n";
            echo '</u>';

// FIXME - ";" do not operation here. Your test for $auth_status do nothing.
        } elseif($auth_status == 0); {
            /*authentication has failed*/
            echo '<h4>Authentication error please try again! </h4>' . "\n\n";
            echo '<p> Please make sure that the "Numbers lock" or "Caps Lock" is not on and re-type your password.</p>'; 




答案 2 :(得分:0)


    /* This is the location of the file and will be used as the baseline for all
    of my files writing of code within php. */
    /*require files for application */
    define( 'ABSOLUTE_PATH ', '../public_html/cit0215/assignment2/' );
    /*This will define my index.php file */
    define('URL_ROOT ', '');
    /*functions that validate logins */
    function validateLogin($emailaddress='', $password='') {
        /*Initialized the Variable from the original from the form */
        $email_key = '';
        $password_key = '1234'; 
        $auth_match = 0;
        /*This is the first If statement the test username and password*/
        if ($emailaddress == $email_key && $password == $password_key) {
            /*this is what ensure the username and password are correct*/   
            return 1;
        return false;
    function sanitize($form_var){
        $clean_data = strtolower(trim($form_var));
        return $clean_data;
    /*Authticate the status of logins*/
    $auth_status =0;
    /*Determine if the form data was submitted*/
    if (array_key_exists('submit', $_POST)){
        /*this removes left over data*/
        $emailaddress = sanitize($_POST['emailaddress']);
        $password = sanitize($_POST['password']);
        /*verify form data*/
        if ( validateLogin($emailaddress, $password) ){
            $auth_status = 1;
    if($auth_status == 1){
        /*successful logon*/
        echo '<h3>Welcome Back, Betty!...  Your not ugly after all</h3>' . "\n\n";
        echo  '<ul>' . "\n";
        echo "\t" . '<li><a href"' . URL_ROOT . 'onlinebanking" title="Online Banking">On Line Banking</a> </li>' . "\n\n";
        echo '</u>';
        /*authentication has failed*/
        echo '<h4>Authentication error please try again! </h4>' . "\n\n";
        echo '<p> Please make sure that the "Numbers lock" or "Caps Lock" is not on and re-type your password.</p>'; 