
时间:2018-01-30 13:32:43

标签: r tidyr



Mypathcolon <- data.frame(c("1 Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\nHospital Number: H2890235\nPatient Name:  al-Bilal, Widdad\nDOB:  1922-05-04\nGeneral Practitioner: Dr. Mondragon, Amber\nDate received:  2002-11-10\nClinical Details:  Previous had serrated lesions ?,If looks more like UC, please provide Nancy severity index\n3 specimen. Nature of specimen:  Nature of specimen as stated on pot = 'Ascending colon x2 '|,Nature of specimen as stated on request form = 'rectum'|,Nature of specimen as stated on pot = '4X LOWER, 4X UPPER OESOPHAGUS '|,Nature of specimen as stated on pot = 'rectal polyp '|\nMacroscopic description: 1 specimens collected the largest measuring 3 x 5 x 2 mm and the smallest 3 x 5 x 5 mm\nHistology:  The appearances are of a hyperplastic polyp.,8 pieces of tissue, the largest measuring 4."))



Histoltree  <- c("Hospital Number:","Patient Name:",
   "DOB:","General Practitioner:","Date received:",
   "Clinical Details","Nature of specimen",
   "Macroscopic description:","Histology","Diagnosis")

Mypathcolon %>% 
   into = c("added_name",Histoltree), 
     sep = paste(Histoltree, collapse = "|"))



 [1] "added_name"               "Hospital Number:"         "Patient Name:"            "DOB:"                    
 [5] "General Practitioner:"    "Date received:"           "Clinical Details"         "Nature of specimen"      
 [9] "Macroscopic description:" "Histology"                "Diagnosis"


structure(list(added_name = "1 Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\n", 
    `Hospital Number:` = " H2890235\n", `Patient Name:` = "  al-Bilal, Widdad\n", 
    `DOB:` = "  1922-05-04\n", `General Practitioner:` = " Dr. Mondragon, Amber\n", 
    `Date received:` = "  2002-11-10\n", `Clinical Details` = ":  Previous had serrated lesions ?,If looks more like UC, please provide Nancy severity index\n3 specimen. ", 
    `Nature of specimen` = ":  ", `Macroscopic description:` = " as stated on pot = 'Ascending colon x2 '|,", 
    Histology = " as stated on request form = 'rectum'|,", Diagnosis = " as stated on pot = '4X LOWER, 4X UPPER OESOPHAGUS '|,"), .Names = c("added_name", 
"Hospital Number:", "Patient Name:", "DOB:", "General Practitioner:", 
"Date received:", "Clinical Details", "Nature of specimen", "Macroscopic description:", 
"Histology", "Diagnosis"), row.names = 1L, class = "data.frame")



Hospital: Random NHS Foundation Trust\n
Hospital Number: H2890235\n
Patient Name:  al-Bilal, Widdad\n
DOB:  1922-05-04\n
General Practitioner: Dr. Mondragon, Amber\n
Date received:  2002-11-10\n
Clinical Details:  Previous had serrated lesions ?,If looks more like UC, please provide Nancy severity index\n3 specimen. 
Nature of specimen:  Nature of specimen as stated on pot = 'Ascending colon x2 '|,Nature of specimen as stated on request form = 'rectum'|,Nature of specimen as stated on pot = '4X LOWER, 4X UPPER OESOPHAGUS '|,Nature of specimen as stated on pot = 'rectal polyp '|\n
Macroscopic description: 1 specimens collected the largest measuring 3 x 5 x 2 mm and the smallest 3 x 5 x 5 mm\n
Histology:  The appearances are of a hyperplastic polyp.,8 pieces of tissue, the largest measuring 4.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

修改后,我可以看到你想要的东西。这里的关键是用两种模式分割蜇伤。然后,您要创建一个数据框。 cSplit()包中的splitstackshape可以使用分隔符(即:)拆分字符串。


# Convert factor to character

Mypathcolon$PathReportWhole <- as.character(Mypathcolon$PathReportWhole)

# Split the string at two specific points, create a data frame,
# assign a column name, split strings

temp <- stri_split_regex(str = Mypathcolon$PathReportWhole, pattern = "\\n(?=[A-Z])|\\.\\s(?=.*:)") %>%
        as.data.frame %>%
        setNames("foo") %>%
        cSplit("foo", sep = ":", direction = "wide", type.convert = FALSE) 

 1:              1 Hospital
 2:         Hospital Number
 3:            Patient Name
 4:                     DOB
 5:    General Practitioner
 6:           Date received
 7:        Clinical Details
 8:      Nature of specimen
 9: Macroscopic description
10:               Histology

 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Random NHS Foundation Trust
 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             H2890235
 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     al-Bilal, Widdad
 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1922-05-04
 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Mondragon, Amber
 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2002-11-10
 7:                                                                                                                                               Previous had serrated lesions ?,If looks more like UC, please provide Nancy severity index\n3 specimen
 8: Nature of specimen as stated on pot = 'Ascending colon x2 '|,Nature of specimen as stated on request form = 'rectum'|,Nature of specimen as stated on pot = '4X LOWER, 4X UPPER OESOPHAGUS '|,Nature of specimen as stated on pot = 'rectal polyp '|
 9:                                                                                                                                                               1 specimens collected the largest measuring 3 x 5 x 2 mm and the smallest 3 x 5 x 5 mm
10:                                                                                                                                                            The appearances are of a hyperplastic polyp.,8 pieces of tissue, the largest measuring 4.