
时间:2018-01-02 19:12:33

标签: java json parsing



public static void main(String[] args) 
    BufferedReader br = null;
    StringBuilder sb = null;
    String line = null;
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

    //print the menu
    System.out.println("Choose from the menu:");
    System.out.println("1 -> Town weather ");
    System.out.println("2 -> About");
    System.out.println("3 -> Exit");

        //read from keyboard the value
        //int choice = scanner.nextInt();
        int choice = 1;

        switch (choice)
            case 1:
                System.out.println("Give desired town:");
                String town = str.nextLine();
                URL json = new URL("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" + town + "&APPID=");
                HttpURLConnection url = (HttpURLConnection) json.openConnection();


                //read the data from url
                br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.getInputStream()));
                sb = new StringBuilder();

                while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
                    sb.append(line + '\n'); 

                String txt = sb.toString();


            case 2:

            case 3:
    catch (InputMismatchException i)
        System.out.println("Wrong choice!");
    catch (MalformedURLException m)
        System.out.println("Wrong URL!");
    catch (IOException io)
        System.out.println("Wrong town! The url shows 404 not found");
    catch (NullPointerException np)
        System.out.println("Null exception!");
    catch (Exception e) //catch all exception where not previous caught.






  "coord": {
    "lon": -86.97,
    "lat": 34.8
  "weather": [
      "id": 800,
      "main": "Clear",
      "description": "clear sky",
      "icon": "01d"
  "base": "stations",
  "main": {
    "temp": 270.48,
    "pressure": 1033,
    "humidity": 30,
    "temp_min": 270.15,
    "temp_max": 271.15
  "visibility": 16093,
  "wind": {
    "speed": 2.6,
    "deg": 340
  "clouds": {
    "all": 1
  "dt": 1514921700,
  "sys": {
    "type": 1,
    "id": 226,
    "message": 0.0021,
    "country": "US",
    "sunrise": 1514897741,
    "sunset": 1514933354
  "id": 4830668,
  "name": "Athens",
  "cod": 200


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:0)


第一步是弄清楚JSON模式的样子,然后从中提取/创建Java Object。您可以使用jar或lib轻松完成此操作,或者您也可以通过将原始JSON复制并粘贴到http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/来在线完成此操作,它将允许您下载包含所有转换所需的Java对象的zip文件。

一旦有了Java对象,就可以使用任何JSON libaray从JSON到Java对象进行转换。


String txt = sb.toString();
Gson gson = new Gson();
Container jsonDataHolder = new Container();

    jsonDataHolder = gson.fromJson(txt , Container.class);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {

// Finally don't forget to close BufferedReader.close()

// After Casting is completed, you can pretty much do anything with the object.

System.out.println("City Name : " + jsonDataHolder.getName())

// Below is the individual Java Object classes that are required to do the full scope casting of the JSON object you've provided. 

public class Container {

    private Coord coord;
    private List<Weather> weather = null;
    private String base;
    private Main main;
    private Integer visibility;
    private Wind wind;
    private Clouds clouds;
    private Integer dt;
    private Sys sys;
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Integer cod;

    public Coord getCoord() {
        return coord;

    public void setCoord(Coord coord) {
        this.coord = coord;

    public List<Weather> getWeather() {
        return weather;

    public void setWeather(List<Weather> weather) {
        this.weather = weather;

    public String getBase() {
        return base;

    public void setBase(String base) {
        this.base = base;

    public Main getMain() {
        return main;

    public void setMain(Main main) {
        this.main = main;

    public Integer getVisibility() {
        return visibility;

    public void setVisibility(Integer visibility) {
        this.visibility = visibility;

    public Wind getWind() {
        return wind;

    public void setWind(Wind wind) {
        this.wind = wind;

    public Clouds getClouds() {
        return clouds;

    public void setClouds(Clouds clouds) {
        this.clouds = clouds;

    public Integer getDt() {
        return dt;

    public void setDt(Integer dt) {
        this.dt = dt;

    public Sys getSys() {
        return sys;

    public void setSys(Sys sys) {
        this.sys = sys;

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Integer id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public Integer getCod() {
        return cod;

    public void setCod(Integer cod) {
        this.cod = cod;


 public class Coord {

    private Double lon;
    private Double lat;

    public Double getLon() {
        return lon;

    public void setLon(Double lon) {
        this.lon = lon;

    public Double getLat() {
        return lat;

    public void setLat(Double lat) {
        this.lat = lat;


public class Main {

private Double temp;
private Integer pressure;
private Integer humidity;
private Double tempMin;
private Double tempMax;

public Double getTemp() {
    return temp;

public void setTemp(Double temp) {
    this.temp = temp;

public Integer getPressure() {
    return pressure;

public void setPressure(Integer pressure) {
    this.pressure = pressure;

public Integer getHumidity() {
    return humidity;

public void setHumidity(Integer humidity) {
    this.humidity = humidity;

public Double getTempMin() {
    return tempMin;

public void setTempMin(Double tempMin) {
    this.tempMin = tempMin;

public Double getTempMax() {
    return tempMax;

public void setTempMax(Double tempMax) {
    this.tempMax = tempMax;


public class Wind {

private Double speed;
private Integer deg;

public Double getSpeed() {
    return speed;

public void setSpeed(Double speed) {
    this.speed = speed;

public Integer getDeg() {
    return deg;

public void setDeg(Integer deg) {
    this.deg = deg;


public class Clouds {

private Integer all;

public Integer getAll() {
    return all;

public void setAll(Integer all) {
    this.all = all;


public class Sys {

private Integer type;
private Integer id;
private Double message;
private String country;
private Integer sunrise;
private Integer sunset;

public Integer getType() {
    return type;

public void setType(Integer type) {
    this.type = type;

public Integer getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(Integer id) {
    this.id = id;

public Double getMessage() {
    return message;

public void setMessage(Double message) {
    this.message = message;

public String getCountry() {
    return country;

public void setCountry(String country) {
    this.country = country;

public Integer getSunrise() {
    return sunrise;

public void setSunrise(Integer sunrise) {
    this.sunrise = sunrise;

public Integer getSunset() {
    return sunset;

public void setSunset(Integer sunset) {
    this.sunset = sunset;



  • JSON Schema与所有GET服务调用响应相同。
