使用Excel VBA从CSV文件中提取数据

时间:2017-11-11 15:43:11

标签: json excel csv yahoo-finance alphavantage

我是Yahoo Finance API难民(他们停止了他们的API服务),试图切换到Alpha Vantage。 我修改了以前用于Yahoo Finance的以下代码,但我在Excel中收到了#VALUE错误。



Function StockClose(Ticker As String)

Dim URL As String, CSV As String, apikey As String, SCRows() As String, SCColumns() As String, pxClose As Double

apikey = "*censored*"

URL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=" & Ticker & "&outputsize=full&" & apikey & "&datatype=csv"

Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    xmlhttp.Open "GET", URL, False
    CSV = xmlhttp.responseText

    'split the CSV into rows
    SCRows() = Split(CSV, Chr(10))
    'split the relevant row into columns. 0 means 1st row, starting at index 0
    SCColumns() = Split(SCRows(1), ",")
    '6 means: 5th column; starting at index 0 - price close is in the 5th column
    pxClose = SCColumns(6)

    StockClose = pxClose

Set http = Nothing

End Function



{       “元数据”:{           “1.信息”:“每日价格(开盘价,最高价,最低价,收盘价和收盘价”),           “2.符号”:“SGD = X”,           “3.最后更新”:“2017-11-10”,           “4.输出尺寸”:“全尺寸”,           “5.时区”:“美国/东方”       },       “时间序列(每日)”:{           “2017-11-13”:{               “1.开放”:“1.3588”,               “2.高”:“1.3612”,               “3.低”:“1.3581”,               “4.关闭”:“1.3587”,               “5.音量”:“0”           },           “2017-11-10”:{               “1.开放”:“1.3588”,               “2.高”:“1.3612”,               “3.低”:“1.3581”,               “4.关闭”:“1.3587”,               “5.音量”:“0”           },

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




Option Explicit

Function StockClose(Ticker As String) As Double

    Dim URL As String, json As String, apiKey As String, xmlHTTP As Object
    Dim posStart As Integer, posEnd As Integer, strClose As String

    apiKey = "demo"
    URL = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=" & Ticker & "&outputsize=full&apikey=" & apikey 

    Set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    xmlHTTP.Open "GET", URL, False
    json = xmlHTTP.responseText
    Set xmlHTTP = Nothing

    posStart = InStr(json, "4. close") + 12
    posEnd = InStr(posStart, json, """") - 1
    strClose = Mid(json, posStart, posEnd - posStart)

    StockClose = Val(strClose)

End Function