目前,我有一个图表,它是条形图和折线图的组合,我想在折线图上显示阴影有没有办法在背景上显示阴影 以下是创建折线图
的示例代码 objGraph.fillAlphas = 0;
objGraph.lineAlpha = 0.7;
objGraph.type = "line";
objGraph.title = "îàæï";
objGraph.lineThickness = 4;
//objGraph.lineColor = "#" +
objGraph.lineColor = "#fff";
//objGraph.customBullet = "images/star.png"; // bullet for all data points
objGraph.bullet = "round";
objGraph.bulletSize = 11;
objGraph.bulletColor = "#fff";
objGraph.bulletBorderColor = "#000";
objGraph.bulletBorderThickness = 2;
objGraph.bulletBorderAlpha = 1;
//objGraph.bulletSize = 14; // bullet image should be a
rectangle (width = height)
objGraph.customBulletField = "bullet"; // this will make the graph to display custom bullet (red star)
objGraph.bulletSizeField = "bulletSize";
objGraphdescriptionField = "description";
答案 0 :(得分:2)
var defs = {
"filter" : {
"id": "dropshadow", // id for the line shadow
"x": "-10%", // position from x axis
"y": "-10%", // position from y axis
"width": "120%", // width of shadow
"height": "120%", //height of shadow
"feOffset": {
"result": "offOut",
"in": "SourceAlpha",
"dx": "0", //position from adjecent line along x axis
"dy": "12" //position from adjecent line along y axis
"feGaussianBlur": {
"result": "blurOut",
"in": "offOut",
"stdDeviation": "5"
"feBlend": {
"in": "SourceGraphic",
"in2": "blurOut",
"mode": "normal"
chart.defs = defs; //def object
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("amchartdiv", chart, theme);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
<filter id="shadow">
<feDropShadow dx="1" dy="5" stdDeviation="2"/>
使用给定的过滤器创建一个函数,并使用过滤器ID #shadow将其传递给行。