错误apache spark MultilayerPerceptronClassifier - “字段”功能“不存在”。

时间:2017-09-01 10:58:00

标签: python apache-spark neural-network pyspark


链接到我用来从https://www.dropbox.com/s/3q2ekgwvlculiqa/Aug%2019%202016%20AlN-GaN%20Sapphire.xrdml?dl=0提取数据的xml文件(我只从标签'intesities','startPosition'和'endPosition' - position axis = 2Theta中提取数据)。这是spark https://www.dropbox.com/s/mv5khfhx2favkbp/DataFrame_collectData.txt?dl=0之后的数据收集输出的链接。并链接到显示数据图表https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnzjkh39ejrq921/Screenshot%20from%202017-09-15%2010-06-25.png?dl=0



xml_files = upload.objects.filter(file_upl_group__upload_group = name_group)

intensities = xml_intensities.objects.all()
dList = spark.createDataFrame(intensities)
#dList = dataframe.rdd.map(apache_separate_data)
select_list = dList.select(dList['intensities'])
name_group = request.POST.get('analize_list')

def df_extract_1(x,y,z):
    intens = re.split(' ', x)

    count = len(intens)
    theta_dif = (z - y)/count
    theta = y
    s = []
    j = 0
    for i in intens:
        theta += theta_dif
        v = Vectors.dense(theta, int(i))
        j += 1
        s.append(Row(j, v))
    a = []
    return a

list_inten = spark.sql('SELECT intensities, startPosition, endPosition FROM dList').rdd.map(lambda x: df_extract_1(x[0], x[1], x[2]))
struct_schema = ArrayType(StructType([StructField("label", LongType()), StructField("features", VectorUDT())]))
list_inten_df = spark.createDataFrame(list_inten, schema = struct_schema)


# specify layers for the neural network:
# input layer of size 4 (features), two intermediate of size 5 and 4
# and output of size 3 (classes)
layers = [2500, 25, 14, 1]

trainer = MultilayerPerceptronClassifier(maxIter=100, layers=layers, blockSize=128, seed=1234)

model = trainer.fit(list_inten_df)




 <positions axis="2Theta" unit="deg">

        <commonCountingTime unit="seconds">148.920</commonCountingTime>
        <intensities unit="counts">1314 1350 1299 1401 1365 1423 1419 1343 1417 1360 1347 1397 1313 1306 1336 1366 1302 1393 1393 1400 1379 1370 1389 1335 1348 1374 1449 1387 1380 1371 1320 1413 1306 1327 1306 1331 1398 1336 1407 1297 1375 1335 1306 1279 1303 1327 1381 1377 1346 1328 1416 1339 1320 1370 1232 1311 1331 1315 1361 1297 1416 1347 1363 1314 1357 1361 1340 1285 1272 1381 1301 1297 1311 1360 1324 1338 1274 1293 1303 1379 1340 1383 1389 1352 1380 1275 1375 1293 1364 1355 1337 1345 1306 1367 1311 1354 1389 1295 1283 1328 1330 1380 1367 1306 1317 1317 1314 1332 1282 1351 1341 1267 1341 1305 1313 1315 1383 1335 1370 1317 1373 1333 1297 1332 1291 1326 1280 1368 1320 1314 1318 1321 1261 1369 1337 1304 1306 1336 1282 1327 1270 1291 1258 1314 1281 1231 1294 1286 1328 1314 1327 1332 1324 1361 1376 1313 1288 1268 1348 1309 1322 1310 1296 1338 1341 1275 1389 1363 1332 1255 1380 1297 1350 1267 1335 1317 1342 1369 1307 1301 1290 1285 1320 1323 1284 1349 1350 1323 1302 1373 1334 1300 1384 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1529 1516 1489 1413 1474 1478 1456 1423 1453 1465 1466 1379 1508 1424 1415 1453 1368 1521 1487 1428 1438 1451 1399 1429 1388</intensities>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


from pyspark.sql.types import Row
from pyspark.ml.linalg import Vectors
from pyspark.ml.classification import MultilayerPerceptronClassifier

#I converted your data to below simplified example
list_inten = [Row(0, Vectors.dense([30.0138, 1314.0])),
              Row(1, Vectors.dense([30.0204, 1350.0])),
              Row(0, Vectors.dense([30.027, 1299.0])),
              Row(1, Vectors.dense([30.0335, 1401.0])),
              Row(0, Vectors.dense([30.0401, 1365.0])),
              Row(1, Vectors.dense([6.0524, 1104.0])),
              Row(0, Vectors.dense([6.0786, 1041.0])),
              Row(1, Vectors.dense([6.1049, 1050.0])),
              Row(0, Vectors.dense([6.1311, 1238.0])),
              Row(1, Vectors.dense([6.1574, 1158.0]))]
list_inten_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(list_inten, ["label", "features"])

# specify layers for the neural network:
# input layer of size 2 (features), two intermediate of size 5 and 4
# and output of size 2 (classes) - note that in this example 'labels' has two values (i.e. 0 & 1)
layers = [2, 5, 4, 2]
trainer = MultilayerPerceptronClassifier(maxIter=100, layers=layers, blockSize=128, seed=1234)
model = trainer.fit(list_inten_df)

在您的代码中layers定义错误。这意味着你有2500个功能(但在你的例子中它只有2个),两个大小为25和14的中间(可以!)和1个类(这也是错误的。在你的例子中它似乎是1218 - 检查标签的值)

layers = [2500, 25, 14, 1]