facebook messenger Weebhok订阅错误

时间:2017-06-28 19:28:51

标签: python facebook validation amazon-web-services aws-lambda

我想将在python中制作的聊天机器人连接到aws lambda上并部署到facebook页面。


def webhook(event, context):
        # #debug
        print("event:" )
        # print("context")
        # print(context)

        #handle webhook challenge
        if keys_exist(event, ["queryStringParameters"]):
            print("Veriflying stuff")
            v_token   = str(find_item(event, 'hub.verify_token'))
            print("token :")
            print (v_token)
            challenge = int(find_item(event, 'hub.challenge'))
            print ("challenge")
            if (os.environ['verify_token'] == v_token):
                print ("returning stuff")
                return (challenge)

但facebook说The URL couldn't be validated. Callback verification failed with the following errors: HTTP Status Code = 502; HTTP Message = Bad Gateway


我在facebook Webhook页面中给出了相同的URL。并确保验证和验证令牌是正确的。

我尝试了一些我在网上看到的东西。但我不明白他们中的一些人喜欢这个 Facebook Messenger API "URL COULD NOT BE VALIDATED" 我不明白我是否为此修改了一个证书文件?

AND "The URL could not be validated", facebook api error说要给php提供路径。哪个我甚至不用?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我发现了这个问题。 Facebook现在还需要请求的状态代码。

if keys_exist(event, ["queryStringParameters","hub.verify_token","hub.challenge"]):
            print("subscribe to webhook invoked")
            v_token   = str(find_item(event, 'hub.verify_token'))
            challenge = find_item(event, 'hub.challenge')
            if ("strongtoken" == v_token):
                response = {
                    "statusCode": 200,
                    "body": str(challenge)
                return response