#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup() {
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
// Dumps out the decode_results structure.
// Call this after IRrecv::decode()
// void * to work around compiler issue
//void dump(void *v) {
// decode_results *results = (decode_results *)v
void dump(decode_results *results) {
int count = results->rawlen;
if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
Serial.print("Unknown encoding: ");
} else if (results->decode_type == NEC) {
Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
} else if (results->decode_type == SONY) {
Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
} else if (results->decode_type == RC5) {
Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
} else if (results->decode_type == RC6) {
Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
} else if (results->decode_type == PANASONIC) {
Serial.print("Decoded PANASONIC - Address: ");
Serial.print(" Value: ");
} else if (results->decode_type == JVC) {
Serial.print("Decoded JVC: ");
Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
Serial.print(" (");
Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
Serial.println(" bits)");
Serial.print("Raw (");
Serial.print(count, DEC);
Serial.print("): ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if ((i % 2) == 1) {
Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
} else {
Serial.print(-(int)results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
Serial.print(" ");
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend;
void setup() {
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendNEC(0xC64E80C, 32);
delay(5000); //5 second delay between each signal burst
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您好我做了同样的事情。我用它来获取GREE AC的AC代码。我发现它有两个星期的斗争和一个名为AnalysIR的论坛。如果您在下面的代码中发现任何问题或方法让我知道。
#define LEDPIN 13
//you may increase this value on Arduinos with greater than 2k SRAM
#define maxLen 800
volatile unsigned int irBuffer[maxLen];
//stores timings - volatile because changed by ISR
volatile unsigned int x = 0;
//Pointer thru irBuffer - volatile because changed by ISR
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //change BAUD rate as required
attachInterrupt(0, rxIR_Interrupt_Handler, CHANGE);
//set up ISR for receiving IR signal
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.println(F("Press the button on the remote now - once only"));
delay(5000); // pause 5 secs
if (x) { //if a signal is captured
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);//visual indicator that signal received
Serial.print(F("Raw: (")); //dump raw header format - for library
Serial.print((x - 1));
Serial.print(F(") "));
detachInterrupt(0);//stop interrupts & capture until finshed here
for (int i = 1; i < x; i++) { //now dump the times
if (!(i & 0x1)) Serial.print(F("-"));
Serial.print(irBuffer[i] - irBuffer[i - 1]);
Serial.print(F(", "));
x = 0;
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);//end of visual indicator, for this time
attachInterrupt(0, rxIR_Interrupt_Handler, CHANGE);//re-enable ISR for receiving IR signal
void rxIR_Interrupt_Handler() {
if (x > maxLen) return; //ignore if irBuffer is already full
irBuffer[x++] = micros(); //just continually record the time-stamp of signal transitions
我收到的内容 Raw(16): - 27750,4464,696,1612,692,516,688,516,688,1620,692,512,692,1612,696,1612,692,512,692,516,688,1616, 696,1612,692,512,696,512,692,512,692,512,696,512,692,512,692,512,696,512,692,512,692,512,696,1612,692, 1612,692,516,688,516,692,516,688,516,688,516,692,1612,692,516,688,1620,688,516,688,520,684,1620,660,544, 664,19960,628,1680,628,1676,628,580,628,1676,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,580,628,584,620,576,628,580,628, 576,628,576,628,580,624,1680,628,580,624,580,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,580, 628,576,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,1680,624,580,628,1676,628,1680,628
unsigned int data [] = {3800,4464,696,1612,692,516,688,516,688,1620,692,512,692,1612,696,1612,692,512,692,516, 688,1616,696,1612,692,512,696,512,692,512,692,512,696,512,692,512,692,512,696,512,692,512,692,512,696, 1612,692,1612,692,516,688,516,692,516,688,516,688,516,692,1612,692,516,688,1620,688,516,688,520,684,1620, 660,544,664,19960,628,1680,628,1676,628,580,628,1676,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,580,628,584,620,576,628, 580,628,576,628,576,628,580,624,1680,628,580,624,580,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,580,624,580,628,576, 628,580,628,576,628,580,624,580,628,576,628,1680,624,580,628,1676,628,1680,628, };
IRsend irsend;
int KHz = 38; // default frequency
unsigned int data[] = {3800, 4464, 696, 1612, 692, 516, 688, 516, 688, 1620, 692, 512, 692, 1612, 696, 1612, 692, 512, 692, 516, 688, 1616, 696, 1612, 692, 512, 696, 512, 692, 512, 692, 512, 696, 512, 692, 512, 692, 512, 696, 512, 692, 512, 692, 512, 696, 1612, 692, 1612, 692, 516, 688, 516, 692, 516, 688, 516, 688, 516, 692, 1612, 692, 516, 688, 1620, 688, 516, 688, 520, 684, 1620, 660, 544, 664, 19960, 628, 1680, 628, 1676, 628, 580, 628, 1676, 628, 580, 624, 580, 628, 576, 628, 580, 628, 584, 620, 576, 628, 580, 628, 576, 628, 576, 628, 580, 624, 1680, 628, 580, 624, 580, 628, 580, 624, 580, 628, 576, 628, 580, 624, 580, 628, 576, 628, 580, 628, 576, 628, 580, 624, 580, 628, 576, 628, 1680, 624, 580, 628, 1676, 628, 1680, 628,
void setup()
void loop()
for (int i=0; i<1 ; i++){
irsend.sendRaw(data, sizeof(data) / sizeof(int),38 );