使用环境生成表 - “错位的对齐选项卡字符”错误

时间:2017-04-21 08:56:03

标签: latex

我正在尝试创建一组简单的环境,以使表的创建更容易和一致。 环境\observation生成空表。观察行由\subobservation命令引入。它适用于一个\subobservation命令,但我无法弄清楚如何插入多行。 使用以下代码示例,我得到“错位的对齐选项卡字符”错误。



    \textbf{#1} & #2 & \textbf{#3} \\

        1st Col & 2nd Col & 3rd Col \\


    {An interesting collection of observation}
        {some information}
        {another something}

        {some 2nd information}
        {another 2nd something}



pdfLaTeX output for described problem

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        \textbf{1st Col} & \textbf{2nd Col} & \textbf{3rd Col} \\ \\
    {\\ \bottomrule\end{tabular}}


        {An interesting collection of observation}
            {some information}
            {another something}
            {some 2nd information}
            {another 2nd something}


enter image description here