
时间:2017-04-07 17:00:12

标签: javascript mysql node.js



那么,我不需要同步功能吗?如果是这样,为什么会这么错? LOL。


对此有何想法? Node的新手,并且只是第一次尝试这样做。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在继续之前等待几个i / o操作完成是一个常见问题,尤其是节点+数据库。我尽力做到这一点 async尽可能只在程序的逻辑流程绝对要求时阻塞。您对#34;使嵌套函数异步的想法"好像很好。



async function processIAmTryingToDoAsAsynchAsPossible(allCommandsToExecute) {
  try {
    // go get all the data asynchronously and destructure the results. But only move to the next line
    // once all the async calls have returned
    const [firstResult, secondResult, thirdResult] = await Promise.all(allCommandsToExecute.map(eachCommandToExecute => executeSqlFunction(eachCommandToExecute)));

    // assuming it is just math, this is not an i/o operation so it will execute "synchronously"
    const finalMathProduct = doMathOnThisStuff(firstResult, secondResult, thirdResult);

    // assuming this is an i/o operation and the final function returns something you need
    return await functionWeCallAfterGettingTheData(finalMathProduct);
  } catch (err) {
    // You'll get here if the Promise.all has a reject, if the final function errors out,
    // or if you throw an error in one of the other functions.
    throw err;